Info Refund Policy

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by cbrozak, Jul 22, 2014.

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  1. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    7:19 PM
    Recently, we have been getting a lot of requests for refunds on items in game that might have been lost in a mod bug/glitch, a server crash, an internal error, clear lag, etc. We all understand that this is a frustrating situation, especially after all the work that was put into gathering/crafting those lost items. Unfortunately, we do have a No Refund policy on those items. The reasons we have a policy like this in place isn't for spite, I assure you we are here to make the best experience possible for you, the player.

    To put things into perspective for this reason: This is a Network of several unique physical servers creating a multitude of servers(~14 of the time of this post) with Mods, Devs, Admins, etc constantly working 24 hours a day to continually build a bigger better network for you the player. We have approximately 150,000 unique player joins and 2k active at any given time in our network, and just over 30 members of staff at any given day. Just being in charge of the staff is almost a full-time job, none-the-less the other aspects of this network. Now saying all that, if we had a for sure refunds ok policy, that would add a ton of really unnecessary work for the staff. It would probably almost double the staff to be able to handle all these issues.

    Point Two: If you were in single player and it happened, you would shrug it off and continue anyways.

    Point Three: About 95% of the issues are mod issues that has nothing to do with the MyM Network/server directly.

    Point Four: Everyone at some point or another, given a long enough timeline has dealt with the same thing and to be fair to those that are ok with it at the time and never say anything, a "No Refunds" makes it the most fair to all players.

    Point Five: Trust. Who's to say that the player you are competing against says, "I just accidentally dropped my keyboard and it pressed Q permanently on my stack of [awesome endgame items]!!" It's again, another issue of being fair.

    Now, saying all that, we don't want you to avoid letting us know of a bug or glitch of disappearing items. Please report the errors/bugs/glitches to your appropriate modpack Support section so that we can look into the issue and see if we can resolve it, as that is why we are here. (Sometimes that even results in your items back as a result of solving the bug, no promises though).

    To clarify: We DO NOT refund items, especially for reasons like these:
    • Deaths
    • Accidental key presses: "Whoops, pressed 'Q' over lava/void"
    • PvP kills
    • ClearLag (It gives sufficient warnings)
    • Mod errors (BetterStorage, ME stuffing (ME Drive in a backpack), etc)
    • Grief/Thief (Protect your stuff!)

    Please feel free to post your opinions on this topic, we are ALWAYS open to feedback.

    Thank you for your understanding! Again, I promise we are not out to hurt anyone or make it any more difficult, we only want what is the most fair to all players while keeping the network's priorities as a whole in mind.

    Keep mining those ores! (Or crooking those trees!)

    ~MyM Administration
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2014
  2. _Valor

    _Valor Member

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    12:19 AM
    I Think that this is fair because it makes the community much more stable also not making it look like staff members are choosing favourites in the player base!

    Stay Awesome,
    Panda Out
    alfiealfie and ZzConradzZ like this.
  3. IntruderCZ

    IntruderCZ Well-Known Member

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    I was always ok with "no refund" policy. I just hate these moments after hours of resource gathering on way home, some stupid death happens and 5s after death ClearLag. Thats realy depresive (happend at least 5 times to me, im lucky one). But as you said, its part of game and it happens (to everyone in time). Thanks for all your work STAFF

    Edit: And as bonus, one of basic rules of minecraft: "Never dig under yourself, you do not know whats is below (lava)". I repeat that after every time i die like this :D
  4. Misteradi1

    Misteradi1 New Member

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    1:19 AM
    i agree with this policy. also, as i play attack of the b-team, a gravestone appears upon death so i don't have IntruderCZ's problem :)
  5. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    On which server was it with the ClearLag?
  6. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    I'd probably just spawn it back in, if it was a mod derp, but that's just me :3

    Does this include if the grief/thief occurs on claimed land with cheaty methods? That's the only time I would disagree with the no refund rule, since in the other situations there is no really guilty party for the loss, but griefing and stealing do have a guilty player, who is generally abusing exploits or glitches to do their griefing.

    There is also a typo in that one, 'Thief' is spelled EI rather than the correct spelling of 'Thief'. Just a minor thing.
  7. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    If someone is bypassing a claim he normally gets a perma ban and the victim the stuff of the griefer but this depends on the situation.
    HelloKittyPhone likes this.
  8. IntruderCZ

    IntruderCZ Well-Known Member

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    Monster Farmworld mainly
  9. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    Ah, we disabled ClearLag yesterday. Not sure if we need it again ;)
  10. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    We do our best and encourage the searching for the stolen items as staff, but if it is not found we won't creative spawn the items. Does that make sense?

    "I before E except in every other word", That's what I always say ;)
    The_Icy_One likes this.
  11. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    12:19 AM
    Yup, got it :3
    English is a stupid language. Still not sure why the English insist on using it.
  12. AlexisRoger

    AlexisRoger Well-Known Member

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    As one who ran into a bug which wiped XP, items, genetics, etc on THREE CLONES WORTH OF CHARACTERS AT ONCE due to the bug with sync in B team I'd just like to say...

    I fully support a no refund policy and reporting bugs with mods to Admin/Mods to prevent it hapening to others. Sure, its anoying when you loose your full suite of TC tools, 3 backpacks of gear, and your genetics, but its more anoying feeling like a jerk for making some poor admin have to sit in front of a Smeltery, and spending all that time making something, and potentially denying them from the more important work of resolving more serious issues like corrupted blocks crashing the server ruining everyone's fun.
    Lukibyte likes this.
  13. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    5:19 PM
    Well i am o.k with the idea of "No Refund" i mean if i lost any stuff due to whatever reason in my opinion is fun to make things again even if i lost TC weapons i can make another 1 even better because you can put new modifiers . But yes i know that losing items that took forever to craft is frustrating i experience item loss like 6 times and i tell you it took me like 3 days to come back and play but i find it fun to learn from your mistake. :D:D:D[DOUBLEPOST=1406059692,1406059620][/DOUBLEPOST]Keep the Great work
  14. Nymaura

    Nymaura New Member

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    5:19 PM
    thank you
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2014
  15. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    1:19 AM
    @Nymaura you can sort the market, are you sure that you haven't sorted it wrong?
    Nymaura likes this.
  16. Demonica6666

    Demonica6666 Well-Known Member

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    7:19 PM
    I agree with the policy. I remade my stuff. If it is stolen r griefed I just replace n rebuild with a sad face
  17. sin_samsonsin

    sin_samsonsin New Member

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    You said that you do not refund items for pvp kills. What about if an player kills another player in a non pvp world? Like dropping lava on them?

    Sent using Tapatalk on IPhone
  18. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    PVP bypass on a non-PVP server is a bannable offence but other than returning anything the killer was able to pick up, any lost items destroyed by lava etc would still not be refunded.
    mariotime33 likes this.
  19. mariotime33

    mariotime33 New Member

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    8:19 PM
    I also agree with this choice. I recently died on monster with my nearly just made complete every maxed out upgraded powersuit armor (I am donator so don't ask) And I was apparently "pricked to death" on my way of digging up with my bound pickaxe. I lost all my things due to despawns. I didn't feed sad or anything because I have everything (JK xD) But the point is, I had to make it all over again. And that process adds a little more fun into the game's concept. But for sure next time I will use tinker's tools... ;)
    The king of Monster East :D
  20. n4yoshi

    n4yoshi New Member

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    What about if you died and the server restricted you from getting home due to the permissions thing? That's not fair and equal and that's a failure on the mods end.
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