Suggestions for Pixelmon

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Sancturis, Dec 18, 2016.

  1. Sancturis

    Sancturis Well-Known Member

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    6:46 AM
    i have played a bit on the pixelmon 1.10 server and i have some suggestions

    1. It could be nice if the server would get a mining world since resourses are limited and as an example ocean monuments i have been to allmost all of them and they are all claimed or mined out and ofc weekly/monthly reset on the mining world

    2. end weekly reset. this is just becourse of end dragon egg and end stone

    3. more time between restarts. there might be a reason why you have a restart every hour but it really seems unnesseray since there is no real lag on the server and if you wanna afk fish for books or wanna afk apricorn farm (donators dont get afk kicked so only afking for 1 hour isent that great since you cannot get anything done really)

    4. Getting some NPC Gyms or just trainers at varried level range for instance level 5 10 15 20 etc or 10 20 30 so you can train your pokemon at varried levels and have the trainers themed like grass lightning steel fire etc

    5. some Harder NPC's where you can challenge Boss NPC trainers to get some rare items like nether stars master balls exp share lucky egg etc

    i do realise that they are not the smallest changes but i feel that it would change the server for the better

    Best regards Sancturis
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2016
  2. Werwolfi_de

    Werwolfi_de Well-Known Member

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    6:46 AM
    you mean pixelmon 1.10 or 1.7?
  3. Sancturis

    Sancturis Well-Known Member

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    6:46 AM
  4. recaltotal

    recaltotal Well-Known Member

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    5:46 AM
    me and booker are currently having discussions via pm on changes to be done to pixelmon give it 2 weeks and changes should be either in place or close

    im sure i told you via slack
  5. Sancturis

    Sancturis Well-Known Member

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    6:46 AM
    you did but you said yourself you where not an admin or a mod so i would put my ideas on the forum aswell so it can be seen by admins /mods
  6. recaltotal

    recaltotal Well-Known Member

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    5:46 AM
    :) all help and ideas are good :) your ideas tho are in the less priority of changes i want to come
  7. Sancturis

    Sancturis Well-Known Member

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    6:46 AM
    i dont get your point mate ? so becourse you want other changes my suggestions are irelevant ? i put my ideas up becrouse tthey would benifit all on the server not just you
  8. recaltotal

    recaltotal Well-Known Member

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    1. is in my list under .... add a flatworld for safari/events(tournaments) and a mining world: because when the server gets large external moves like dig.

    2. comes under ^^ why add a mining world without resets

    3. on beta9 it is needed for the restart as if it isnt restarted a glitch happens resulting in all players unable to play pixelmon

    4. can be looked into when the server is sorted

    5. can also be put under 4 tbh as can have elite 4 players with good drops[DOUBLEPOST=1482069312][/DOUBLEPOST]no no im not saying your ideas are bad at all dont get me wrong but the server needs alot done to it not just a farmworld and resets
  9. Sancturis

    Sancturis Well-Known Member

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    6:46 AM
    for number 3 im not saying remove the resets just make them more then 1 hour between its a bit annoying to stream for 1 hour and then have to wait and stream for another hour

    and for number 2 its for the end not the mining world

    for number 4 if the server isent sorted then where are the admins and mods?

    for number 5 .. the elite 4 are players aperntly nd i dont see alot of players on the server that are gym leaders and elite 4s

    but again who are you since you are clearly more important then me even tho you are a player just like me you make it sound like im not allowed to make suggestions
  10. recaltotal

    recaltotal Well-Known Member

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    your still getting me wrong i want input and if the server isnt reset every 1 hour 15 mins you will be unable to play due to a glitch

    every player is important admins and mods will be here to sort it hopefully next week[DOUBLEPOST=1482071015][/DOUBLEPOST]this is the current list
    mym pixelmon to do list in order of priorities

    1.#### not disclosing

    2.#### not disclosing

    3.add a flatworld for safari/events(tournaments) and a mining world: because when the server gets large external moves like dig.

    4.increase the worldborder alot to at least 100k: as pixelmon is designed to look for pokemon pregen the world also to reduce lag.

    5.spawn to be built.

    6.myms currency added into world with a conversion from myms to pixelcoins: this will allow votes and enable some buying of stuff.

    7.blacklisting of items being sold to the market energy powder, all potions, all pokeballs (more to come): to fix the mass producing of money.

    8./shop plugin added with shrines added into the shop: then disabling of multiuse shrines can be added and can remove shrines in the world.

    9.ditto-ditto legendery turn off: so legenderys actually become rare insted of being so common.

    10. enable weeky resets for end/nether/farmworld: this allows people to farm items and stuff without destroying the overworld
  11. Sancturis

    Sancturis Well-Known Member

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    so they launched a server that was 1% done? and then wait months to clean it up after everyone got bored of it cuz it wasent complete?

    and so not its not allowed to list ideas and suggestions without being told off by another member who thiks he is a god
  12. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    12:46 AM
    You forget 1.10 is a huge step. There were no major 1.8 1.9 packs everything jumped to 1.10 it takes time to get things done
  13. recaltotal

    recaltotal Well-Known Member

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    when pixelmon was released on myms servers it was on beta5 i was there on release day i built half of spawn

    just to point out i do not think im a god haha i just know that the end/nether/farmworld is far less important than other changes
    (history lesson)
    it was also myms 1st propper full server other than there experimental servers so therefore things like the farmworld worldresets n such could not be added due to the coding not been done for them
    then the beta6 came out and alot of servers lost there worlds so mym waited
    they eventually upgraded to beta7 then to beta9 then the staff that was playing went into other things therefore because of pixelmons tiny audience it has gone unnoticed (completly understandable)

    so here i am again back in the present and being completly honist there will hopefully be a staff team togeather and willing to sort pixelmon out fully to vamp the server back into the current capacity of pixelmon

    to quote:
    When is MYM Going to update Pixelmon? | MineYourMind Community[DOUBLEPOST=1482073811][/DOUBLEPOST]i never ment to offend you and yes you can list what you feel is needed to be done (completly up to you) and it prob will end up being done if its a good idea for the server ideas can be added to the to do list
  14. Sancturis

    Sancturis Well-Known Member

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    6:46 AM
    then why are you up in my grill for putting up ideas its just ideas and you pick on them saying they have been mentioned or they are low prio i made this list to say what i have to say and they you come in and mention we talked aboute this like im not allowed to state what i would like to see change i just do not get why you are budding in makeing my annoyed with you by acting all high and mighty as if im not allowed to post my ideas on the forums,, it really hurts my feels you know
  15. recaltotal

    recaltotal Well-Known Member

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    5:46 AM
    im rearly sorry i honestly didn't mean it that way
  16. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    12:46 AM
    @Sancturis I think that in the beginning @recaltotal was being a smart Alec, I'm sure he did not mean to be rude.
  17. Broklyn_Datroll

    Broklyn_Datroll Well-Known Member

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    10:46 PM
    Lets just have everyone step back and chill with your Vanillish (or other IceType), lets all just cool off a little.

    We appreciate the input of ALL MyM Community members, @recaltotal and @Sancturis, while our staff team determines the shape of the future for Pixelmon on MyM. We have a select team of Staffers who have volunteered to take Pixelmon under their wings, and I know that they have and will continue to listen to all player suggestions before making their decisions.

    Remember that while you might love a particular Modpack, others might feel the same way, or totally different. Their viewpoints, if delivered with respect and in a constructive manner, are to be welcomed and respected. Pixelmon is a difficult Modpack and getting it to work well, and correctly, will take a concerted effort from many layers of our Staff Team, from the Moderator(@YseraTheDreamer) that is donating her time to head up this project, through our Admins and Devs. Pixelmon 1.10 was our very 1st 1.10 Modpack and is still very much a work in progress.

    Please continue to assist our great Pixelmon Staffers, Respect your fellow Community Members, and enjoy your gaming.

    Happy Holidays and Good Gaming.
    HelloKittyPhone likes this.
  18. recaltotal

    recaltotal Well-Known Member

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    5:46 AM
    i meant no offence at all and wasn't trying to be rude i did not mean to come across like that

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