Done Thank You Staff

Discussion in 'Anderes' started by der_edwin, Dec 18, 2016.

  1. der_edwin

    der_edwin New Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    12:21 PM
    I wanna say thank you to the Staff because i never saw a server who have so a nice help for the players on a so big server. You can vote easy ,the community is very nice too on this server because i play 1 week on this server and everybody was friendly and helpful. You even created a forum to take away our bugs and help us.And for all this i want so say thank you and i think a much people on this server too. Keep up the good work and you will be the best minecraft modpack server you are already the best Agrarian Skies Server on the website Find the Best Minecraft Servers by Types

  2. Blizzix_

    Blizzix_ Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    6:21 AM
    On behalf of myself as a Moderator on MineYourMind. I thank you alot, truly. We are volunteer staff members that do put alot of work into the network. Whether the player sees it or not. Something always is being worked on and/or getting improved. And to see these types of messages motivates us (atleast me) to keep going. I hope the rest of your stay here on our network is a good one. Just remember its all about having fun. :)

    der_edwin likes this.

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