Infinity ingots Po2 Kappa

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Cyligod, Dec 18, 2016.

  1. Cyligod

    Cyligod Well-Known Member

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    10:54 PM
    So the endgame of kappa is built around infinity ingots being able to be duplicated almost freely after youget to a certain point. The wand of animation recipe was made harder by the pack creator for a reason. I understand why you took out the item from one stand point. but by the time you can make the wand you have emc allrdy. that gives you the ability to dupe items for almost free after a certain point. If you have the ability to create the wand means you have a very well made infrastructure. So giving this i dont understand why you black listed being able to sowhat the pack was designed around doing which is safari netting the animated blocks to create the item from a autospawner.

    I have read that you all say it is to prevent duping . Thing is That is what the pack is designed todowhen you get to this items point in progression. I have not seen a actual reason besides that one which doesnt hold water.

    Ive seen staff say over and over we want to keep stuff to howthe pack is supposed to be played per pack authors wishes. then why is the end game here completely changed from what the pack author wants. it isnt duping or cheating if the pack is designed around this. it has been suggested to post this in suggestions so i did
  2. Soycake

    Soycake Master of AE Lags

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    10:54 PM
    Not to mention, having to automate every single thing for infinity catalysts + tons of neutronium collectors and etc causes much more lag than using the wand.
  3. Kazeodori

    Kazeodori Well-Known Member

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    This issue already came up with Titan mode. I honestly don't think the policy would change on it, but the decision for that lays with some one higher than myself.

    For reference, the quotes and thread regarding this for Project Ozone 2 Titan:
    [PO2-Titan] Enable awakened blocks in MFR auto-spawner | MineYourMind Community
  4. Cyligod

    Cyligod Well-Known Member

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    10:54 PM
    Yeah i read that. I dont get the reply to prevent duping. Because that is whatis intended for ppl that can make the wand. The recipe was made very hard for that reason. Its just like a step two after having EMC tocreate items. Taking it out is completely changing how the pack is meant to be played esp in kappa. Also like soy said. it isforcing ppl to make huge lag causing automation networks to make the catalyst for the ingots. the EMC farms we have tomake. the massive neut compressor chains for the singularities. its just insane how muchwe have toautomate and keep going.
    When the pack is made around us having tomake those till we get the wand. Then we would be able to takethose monstrocies down.
  5. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    10:54 PM
    @Cyligod I do believe you are ignoring the other reason as to why the answer is no. Server stability. I get that you, and others, want to dupe things as the pack maker set it up. The issue is that I like actually having a server up that does not crash.

    And the wand is not disabled. Just the ability to spawn in the blocks that you animate.

    Also, if you don't know how to make EMC without lagging the server, maybe you need to get better at the mods? Just saying.

    Either way, the answer is no, MyM will not be changing this config for you.

    Thank you for suggestion though, and have a wonderful day!
  6. grav0r

    grav0r Well-Known Member

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    4:54 AM
    rly, not disabled? what else do you want to do with it than spawn blocks to animate. put it in a case to showoff? this wand is meant to be the source of the ridiculous expensive late game recipes, if u take it away the pack is pointless. rip kappa mode, rip countless hours of working on that wand... /end rant
  7. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    10:54 PM
    Oh, it works, you can animate the blocks.

    YOUR issue is that you can't spawn those living creatures over and over in a mob spawner which is where you are getting upset. :D
  8. grav0r

    grav0r Well-Known Member

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    yes exactly.. later and enjoy
  9. Cyligod

    Cyligod Well-Known Member

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    10:54 PM
    @Cyligod I do believe you are ignoring the other reason as to why the answer is no. Server stability. I get that you, and others, want to dupe things as the pack maker set it up. The issue is that I like actually having a server up that does not crash.

    And the wand is not disabled. Just the ability to spawn in the blocks that you animate.

    Also, if you don't know how to make EMC without lagging the server, maybe you need to get better at the mods? Just saying.

    Either way, the answer is no, MyM will not be changing this config for you.

    Thank you for suggestion though, and have a wonderful day!

    Your entire reply is a reason why it should be allowed. Server stability is the entire reason why i dont get why it is disabled. Being able to autospawn the blocks like the pack author intends is to stop the stupid over complicated auto chains that is needed.. That is why i dont understand the position. Even in your response you clearly are proving my point as to why it should be enabled. If someone that can explain why it is purposfully removed and goes against the pack core intentions and why ppl are forced to create systems to reduce server tps just get getaround the change on kappa please do chime in.[DOUBLEPOST=1482105743][/DOUBLEPOST]I think the problem is you think of it as just duping or exploiting type duping booker.. It is not.. it is basically emc mark 2.. The item and its intended use is clearly put in for a reason by the mod author. therecipe was changed and forces you to make 4 infinity ingots for the wand + 9 for the block. After the 1st 13 it is intended that you dont have to make them anymore. its theultimate late game item and designed and put there for a reason. I just dont get why you dont understand that and i hope someone else will chime in with a reason to why its removed. because if for server stability the function would be turned back on.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2016
  10. grav0r

    grav0r Well-Known Member

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    4:54 AM
    dont bother discussing they won´t change it.. we will quit this server now, enough frustration.. first the quest book reset stuff, then you have to work on endgame goals and then they get disabled. pointless.. have alot of fun every1.
  11. Cyligod

    Cyligod Well-Known Member

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    10:54 PM

    I dont believe that. over the past hmm3-4 years on this server network most of the main ppl are pretty good at running it. I wont give up of them or the servers till well i feel that changes. It is why I have hope they understand what this change is costing the server..In server stability and ppl tring to play the pack as it is intended. both are changed and hurt very hard with this change.
  12. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    10:54 PM
    I get where you are comming from. The issue is that with the auto spawning, it is all or nothing. We either allow Every animated block to spawn or none.

    And with that, their are a multitude of animated blocks that will cause the server to crash untill they are world edited out. So not a simple reload, but actually having an admin online at 3am to stop the crash loop, download the region fIle, remove the spawner and then upload the region file and restart the server.

    Now, image doing this 5 times an hour because players don't listen.

    IF that got fixed, AND IF MyM can confirm (staff not random Joe Smo player) that it is supposed to be that way, then I suppose their would be no issue in allowing that.

    But the main issue is not running your game play, but to keep the server up as much as we can without having an admin have to babysit it 24/7.

    I hope you now understand where this restriction comes from. Not from limiting players, but attempting to make it the best we can.[DOUBLEPOST=1482107227][/DOUBLEPOST]@grav0r, honestly, with your attitude, speaking purely as a player...

    Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.
  13. grav0r

    grav0r Well-Known Member

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    4:54 AM
    i love u too
    Ash00182 likes this.
  14. Cyligod

    Cyligod Well-Known Member

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    10:54 PM

    Ok if that is the crash issue Then couldnt a compremise be made.. like a crafting recipe that uses a block of infinity + wand = 2 blocks of infinity and the wand back.. like a master stone is used but doesnt get used up. I know the wand can hel copy alot of items but theinfinity ingot is the one that matters in big chains of automation imo.

    Something to bridge the gap. because server stability is the thing here.. you can automate this stuff but lets jsut say to automate the eternal singularity its self. takes Massive ammount of neut compressors + all the stuff to auto the titanium singularity(which has no emc) just to make one peice .. tames that by 40 ppl is nuts. Plus not to mention the neut collectors you need for that are insane im themselves. and that is just one step in prob 50-60 in automating them
    grav0r likes this.
  15. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    That is an idea, which would let you use the wand to make more ingot blocks, yet still use durability.

    That would be pretty easy with minetweaker. All conversations about it though are mute untill approval comes down from someone. Maybe @Kazeodori could take this to higher ups?
  16. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    The quest book changed and reset was brought about by the pack author as he is phasing out of HQM and moving into Better Questing. Better Questing for all it's current foibles is actually a much more stable questing mod then HQM. As for having things disabled I believe Booker had an excellent explanation as to why the item is disabled, and provided a scenario as to what can go awry with the item.

    We don't change anything in packs without a lot of consideration. It may be frustrating to not have a particular item available to you, but it would quickly become even more frustrating to you, everyone else on the server, and the admin that has to crawl out of bed to fix the issue because the server was crashing.

    If someone has an idea for a recipe go ahead and post it, if it is fair and feasible we can more than likely implement it for you.
  17. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    I got one in mind @wyndman, fair and endgame. I'll write it up tonight for you when I'm not on a phone.
    Kissqt likes this.
  18. Cyligod

    Cyligod Well-Known Member

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    so any news yet? and only idea icould come up with is a recipe that uses either the staff and a block to make two blocks. get the staff back either use some durability like 5-10% or like a magical crops stone where it doesnt use the staff. i think a tad of durability would make up for the essence and energy it causes to autospawn them though
  19. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    I'm working on it. I decided to make recipies for most of the end game blocks. :)
  20. Cyligod

    Cyligod Well-Known Member

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    coo good to hear ..[DOUBLEPOST=1482177898,1482175549][/DOUBLEPOST]just curious you doing neutronium block also? which endgame ones you thinking about .. just curious and bored atm im in thewaiting game of letting stuff craft =P

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