Done Afk kick

Discussion in 'Direwolf20' started by phatbhet, Dec 24, 2016.

  1. phatbhet

    phatbhet Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    11:44 PM
    So I've recently went to the end and I noticed that the end had reset. So I killed the dragon and the portal spawned. I hopped in the portal to receive the achievement, and like many people know, the end credits take a very long time. So I waited 10 minutes and the credits were almost over, then I was kicked for Afk for idling over 10 minutes. I logged on again hoping that I can get through the credits that time, but the same result occurred. So I was hoping if someone could help me get out of this loop so I can continue to play. Any help at all is appreciated.
  2. phatbhet

    phatbhet Well-Known Member

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    11:44 PM
    Please disregard me, I didn't realize that you can skip them. i am an idiot ;-;

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