Done Are Lilypads of Fertility and Growth Pulsers disabled or nerfed?

Discussion in 'Project Ozone 2' started by deepcage, Dec 27, 2016.

  1. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    3:27 AM
    Server: Project Ozone - Normal

    Hi there,

    The only really fast way to grow magical crops with agricraft is with massive amounts of water sprinklers (from agricraft). The problem with this is, that each sprinkler is counted as an entity and it both eats FPS and Chunkloader tickets.

    Can you please explain why there are lilypads of fertility and growth pulsers in the mod, while they do absolutely nothing at all?

    I had a tower of 200-high Growth pulsers under my farm and it didnt do anything at all. Also an 11x11 grid of lilypads under an equally sized farm didnt speed up growth at all.

    Would be nice if we could get some clarification on this and even nicer if these could be enabled again. Then we can at least grow crops without having to spend hundreds of chunkloader tickets on 1 chunk.
  2. atesz8916

    atesz8916 Well-Known Member

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    I think lilypad work in same level, and as far as i know Growth pulsers are provide full mature crops in 1 secs if it stacked in 250 per coords.

    10/10/10 crops with one (8) sprinkler is fair enough to supply your gameplay, with argicraft farming machine with octadic capacitor (19×19 blocks)

    Better question is: why are black matter pedestial are banned? (only pedestial which is accept the goddest harvest band)

    i use 100 tokens more than a month. if i don't have any proress, i turn it off. Why are rollin for nothing if i offline? (I heard about that: after 48 or 72 hours the offline chunk loaders will automaticaly turned off. It is gossip or true, i don't know)
  3. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    Atesz please dont hijack this thread for your own issues. create a new one please.

    "i think" does not mean it is actually working. Also "i heard about that" also doesn't mean anything at all.

    Not helping at all
  4. atesz8916

    atesz8916 Well-Known Member

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    Edit: I don't have any issues with neither chunk loaders or "growth acceleration" blocks. ;)
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2016
  5. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    9:27 PM
    Growth pulsers only work on vanilla and magical crops

    I've no issue with the Lilly pads, and found that one lily pad centered in a 7x7 plot of farmland and one sprinkler visible speeds up growth.[DOUBLEPOST=1482868365][/DOUBLEPOST]Lilly pads work same level and two up. Will not work if the crop requires a special block under the dirt. That space is the lowest a Lilly pad can be and still effect the plants.
  6. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    3:27 AM
    Well i guess ill just stick with sprinklers then. They dont speed things up enough to be worthwhile.
    You can mark this topic done.
  7. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    9:27 PM
    So can you.
    deepcage likes this.
  8. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    3:27 AM
    Thanks booker. i did not even notice the "mark solved" button.

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