Done Tps is acting up.

Discussion in 'Direwolf20 1.10' started by ClockCruncher, Dec 28, 2016.

  1. ClockCruncher

    ClockCruncher Patron Tier 2

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    Local Time:
    12:47 AM
    I've been on the direwolf server for around 2 hours today and the tps is constantly fluctuating from 12-14 to .35, not entirely sure why thats happening but its very annoying and it would be great if it could be fixed.
  2. LettsB

    LettsB Active Member

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    5:47 AM
    This is still not a stable pack and the server isnt really ready for playing on yet. Effectively everyone who is playing on it is a tester, we find the bugs, things that causes crashes/lag etc. And then when a stable update is released these things will be fixed/improved on. For now there will be low tps and lag until we discover what causes it.
    tyler489 likes this.
  3. ClockCruncher

    ClockCruncher Patron Tier 2

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    There are plenty of other direwolf20 servers with more players than this one that are working fine, its not that the pack is unstable, the pack was deemed by the ftb staff a stable pack for players. It is the lack of dedication towards fixing the tps and the lack of even implementing the basic plugins the other servers have. If the admins would like, I would be happy to help fix the issues the server is having because as of now it looks like the server was left to die, maybe I'm just overreacting but as of now this is looking like a flop node.
  4. _Lordicon

    _Lordicon MyM Real OG

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    12:47 AM
    Thank you for your concern about this issue, It is is a known issue with low TPS at times on DW 1.10 and staff are working to resolve many issues with the the pack. Please understand we do not use all of the same plugins that FTB or any other server uses for 1.10 there for you can not really compare other servers to the MyM network. We are working to rewrite a lot of the plugins to support the 1.10 packs.

    As for your statement about lack of dedication towards fixing things I just want to point out that we have had many staff members working through the holidays trying to make sure things are up to standards. We could be spending time with our families or many other things but we choose to help MyM grow so all of the players have a great server to play on. Some bugs and issues take time to weed out and to state that our team is lacking in dedication is a bit arrogant when you do not know what is really going on behind the scenes.

    At this time I am not seeing a real bad issue with the TPS, If it falls below 10 TPS please feel free to contact us and let us know so that we can investigate further. We understand the frustration when it comes to being able to play on a server that is lagging and we try to work hard at keeping the TPS as high as possible so that your play time is enjoyable.

    Again we are sorry about the low TPS from time to time and I can personally assure you that it does get looked into and investigated.

    More information on the DW10 Server

    Please let us know if this is currently still an issue for you. We will await your reply.
    HelloKittyPhone likes this.
  5. ClockCruncher

    ClockCruncher Patron Tier 2

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    12:47 AM
    Thank you for the reply, it seems as though the tps issue was resolved after a server crash/restart, I highly appreciate all the work going on behind the scenes. I can just get a bit frustrated at times so I am sorry about that, I will let you know if any other issues occur.
  6. _Lordicon

    _Lordicon MyM Real OG

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    12:47 AM
    I am very pleased to hear that the TPS has resolved itself, Due to this issue being currently resolved I will go ahead and mark this as done. If you have any future issues please feel free to contact us so that we can assist you.

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