Done Weird Death Glitch

Discussion in 'Galactic Science' started by xRaze_, Dec 28, 2016.

  1. xRaze_

    xRaze_ Active Member

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    Local Time:
    9:54 AM
    So I was playing on the server, and decided to test if the Last Stand enchantment prevented death by Sacrificial Knife (it doesn't). So I died, and kept most of my soulbound items, except for my Golden Bag of Holding from Extra Utilities, but when I went to my grave, the bag wasn't there, I checked all my chests and other storage, and it's nowhere to be found, I think some glitch happened and it got deleted.
  2. Pseudonycat

    Pseudonycat Well-Known Member

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    8:54 AM
    Was the golden bag of holding enchanted with the Soulbound enchantment that Extra Utilities brings? I think that stacking soulbound on soulbound glitches it. If not please disregard this message. xD
  3. xRaze_

    xRaze_ Active Member

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    9:54 AM
    Nope, just regular EnderIO Soulbound
  4. Atum

    Atum Egyptian God of Creation

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    Where you in a dimension other than overworld? I know EnderIO soulbound enchant doesn't act well with items that require an anvil to put the enchant on them (Angel wings, bag of holding, ect) whilst in other dimensions.
  5. xRaze_

    xRaze_ Active Member

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    9:54 AM
    Well, figuring this is Galactic Science, where the Overworld doesn't exist anymore... Soulbound worked on it well before, I think the glitch came more from the fact I died to Blood Magic than the location. This is probably more fitting for a ticket rather than a forum post now that I think about it.
  6. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    8:54 AM
    Tis an issue between BloodMagic and the EnderIO soul bound enchantment. Known to both mod authors, will not be fixed as both have moved on to 1.10

    I am sorry you lost your items. Maybe next time not testing with useful items would be more prudent.

    Marking solved as not something we can fix.

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