Done Lost a crap ton of stuff

Discussion in 'Direwolf20 1.10' started by CadeMead, Dec 27, 2016.

  1. CadeMead

    CadeMead Active Member

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    2:33 AM
    so the tps seemed fine so i placed down a drive i had to move FILLED with stuff, all kinds over 14k coal and iron ore then the server decided about a minute or 2 later it was going to crash and now all my stuff the drives and all their content is gone, wiped away due to a rollback that didnt give me my items back. I understand that it is a beta server adn all that but the constant rollbacks need to stop, or at least compensate us for what we lose.
  2. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    1:33 AM
    While directing you to our no refund policy will not bring your items back, I can at least explain what happened.

    When you placed the items down, it was removed from you player data, as it is now in the world. You player data usually updates instantly.

    Now usually during a normal shutdown the chunks are saved, and you will notice that we save them often just in case of a crash.

    But for you what happened is the last save happened before you placed down the items, so the backup of the chunk did not have the items yet, but your player data had already placed them.

    I know it does not bring back your stuff, but at least you know why it happened.
    tyler489 and HelloKittyPhone like this.
  3. Marty91

    Marty91 Well-Known Member

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    Would it not be an easy fix to Backup the inventory of all Players when a Worldbackup happens? So you can rollback all inventorys to the point of the worldbackup when the server crashes...
    EpicSkwrlBattle and tyler489 like this.
  4. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    Don't think this is fesable due to the #of players on a server server would have to back up 100's of players data.
  5. Tuffnoodle

    Tuffnoodle Well-Known Member

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    Hey there CadeMead, I'm sorry that you lost so much but Booker is right in that we cannot refund your items as per our strict No Refund Policy. Direwolf20 1.10 is indeed a Beta server, but as with all our server we still apply that policy. I understand your frustration as I've had items disappear due to bugs and whatnot but that's the risk we take, especially on Beta servers! I wish you luck in recollecting and rebuilding and hope this situation doesn't happen again. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact us again. Good luck!
  6. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    1:33 AM
    That is... way to much to back up in a timely manner.
  7. CadeMead

    CadeMead Active Member

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    yea i kinda figured but it is getting pretty annoying how often the server crashes right after something gets placed and the resources get lost, especially when its a few hundred thousand items in a storage system. hopefully with the speed at which things get fixed is getting fast it wont be long before 1.10 is like a 1.7 server. its a hope at least
  8. Marty91

    Marty91 Well-Known Member

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    7:33 AM
    I dont see how player data is bigger then the backup of the hole map. It would be enough to backup the playerdata of players online at the time of the map backup.
  9. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    What about those people that leave in the 1 min restart warning shouldthey backup to? If so how can the server tell who just left?
  10. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    On a crash it doesn't "rollback" in the sense you are thinking to a backup. Minecraft periodicly forces all changed chunks to save to their region file then write to disk (called a world save). This same process happens to players called a player file. However with players this happens quite often as many events need to read from that file. So on a crash, the server isn't in a good state and so doesn't save anything (world or players), then reboots. On the boot it looks to disk to read all the region files for force loaded chunks and load then in to memory, finishes booting then allows players to connect. When you connect it checks the disk if there is a player file tied to you, if so it loads it. Hence no backup/restore.

    Mym would have to change the behavior of the player save event which would break all sorts of things. This is an issue directly related to Minecraft core code and processes.

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