Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Etrogann, Dec 30, 2016.

  1. Etrogann

    Etrogann Active Member

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    Guys I love your servers. Great servers, relatively low lag, Awesome community.
    There is one thing I can't stand though and it has finally driven me crazy enough to post about it.
    Stop, for the love of Minecraft, STOP telling me that I have alerts on the forums.
    I don't participate in the community in this way. I never come to the forums. I hate coming to the forums. Please stop posting in my feed about forum alerts ever 5 minutes when I am in game!
  2. Legit__Panda

    Legit__Panda Teh Best Panda You'll Ever Know Patron Tier 2 Patron Tier 1

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  3. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    you can turn them off via. the settings icon /shop
  4. Etrogann

    Etrogann Active Member

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    I ALMOST didn't come back to check this out. But this makes me glad I did. Thank you. If this works then the problem has been solved!
  5. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    Recently something broke and notifications were enabled and cannot be disabled - immediately i make a ticket for staff to fix this!

    Returning to thread - i wonder why forum notifications are enabled by default?
    Why not allow players to decide if they want to see them instead forcing us to see them(they spam a chat a little and are annoying).
    I mean better is when in /shop we ENABLE notification instead disable them.
    HelloKittyPhone likes this.
  6. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    The forum is mainly used for support. In my opinion it is important that the player gets an alert about an update on his support case as quick as possible. That is why tickets and the forum (which was there before the ticket system) show alerts ingame.
    HelloKittyPhone and F4lconwings like this.
  7. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    So why dont seperate ticket and forum notifications? I mean they are separated, you still get ticket notification even when you disable forum ones and that is good but as i said - I prefer to customize options I can have by enabling them one by one than having everything enabled and had chat spammed over by notifications(when notifications were bugged and cannot be disabled I was so much distracted by them) even that you need tier3(i think) to have option to disable vote notification is kinda annoying (i know votes are important for any server but still...).

    And if some1 want ONLY support he still see ForumFeed notifications,so make it diasbled by default and if some1 REALLY need support he/she need to keep attention on matter he/she have himself/herself instead rely on notifications as wise poverb says "If you want a thing done well, do it yourself"
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2016
  8. PhantomRTW

    PhantomRTW Retired Staff

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    Because its super easy to turn off notifications. And its much better for everyone to see the notifications and be able to turn them off if they want than for no one to see them, and those that want or need to be notified not know it exists/aren't notified.

    Unless you want a notification about enabling notifications ;)

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