Spirit World is NOT fair for everyone!

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by NchemIcaLS, Jul 26, 2014.

  1. NchemIcaLS

    NchemIcaLS New Member

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    To All players on Crack Pack:

    As with any new PvP server there are balance issues as players figure out new strategies to protect their base. Some of these unfortunately ruin the PvP experience as was the problem with spatial storage. Therefore I would like to raise another concern: I would like to make everyone aware that @billyyjoee and @knoxz (and who ever lives with them) have broken the Spirit World.

    For those of you who are not aware of the Spirit World, it is a dimension from Witchery that has a separate inventory from your main one. That was the intention of this world and is also why an ender pearl is supposed to be unobtainable in the Spirit World (enderman do not spawn, ender lily doesn't grow, etc). However this is not completely the case; an ender pearl can be obtained through an extremely rare trade with a villager. Once you have an ender pearl you can craft an ender chest and port through all your items.

    This is exactly what Billyyjoee and Knoxz have done and more. To secure "their" dimension they have nuked every village in the dimension. While they can move their stuff back and forth no other player will be able to do this. They can nuke your base in the over world but when you want to nuke them you find that you must build a second one exclusively for the Spirit World; And keep in mind that they also have power armor and countless other items that require ender pearls that you will never be able to get.

    Wether this is an exploit or not is debatable but it still gives them an unfair advantage. Why should they have ender pearls in a dimension that no one else can? It breaks the game.

    Therefore I propose 3 solutions:

    1. Ban the Spirit World (don't like this one)
    2. Build a public portal that everyone can use to go to and from the Spirit World with their stuff
    3. Ban the ender pearl in the Spirit World as its supposed to be (Billy and Knox move out then it gets banned)

    I personally like option 3 the most. Let me know what you guys think. Thanks NchemIcaLS.
    @CrackPack @Founder
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  2. Padson

    Padson Well-Known Member

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    Well, you cant get enderpearls in the Spirit World, even with Enderman Spawner so if we want some more, we have to do an overworld farm, or somewhere else.

    Second thing>
    It isn't 100% secure like Spatial storage, since Spatial Storage has its own Dimension, Spirit world doesn't. so our Base is still raidable, even tho it needs some work.
    Ars Magica dig spell in example

    And it took us like 20+ Hrs do that, Spatial storage is like 5min work

  3. NchemIcaLS

    NchemIcaLS New Member

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    Reread the post Padson. You got an ender pearl in a dimension that your weren't supposed to and now no one else can. SO you can transfer items back and forth while we can't. So if i wanted to raid you i have to build a second base! no thats BS. And i wouldn't be able to get any of the items that require ender pearls. Please READ the post!

    Also since you live there you will do anything to defend your position. Im looking for responses from others.

    edit: Whats your point? Doesn't matter how long it takes if its game breaking. lol
  4. Padson

    Padson Well-Known Member

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    There are still villages tbh :D
  5. NchemIcaLS

    NchemIcaLS New Member

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    Once again READ READ READ the post. You have an ender pearl in dimension where your aren't supposed to have one.
  6. billyyjoee

    billyyjoee New Member

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    Let me just start off by pointing out how exaggerated your side of the story is.
    The Spirit world is not ruined. You are still able to get into the spirit world, and do whatever you want.

    The mod author, Azanor, has taken many precautions to make sure that the player does not get access to an enderpearl. Fortunately for us, Azanor either overlooked or intentionally didn't stop villagers spawning, which would have been incredibly easy to do considering that almost every other mob does not have the ability to spawn in the spirit world. We were the first people to enter the spirit world, and we discovered this, and we used this in order to transfer our items across.
    After transferring our items across, we wanted to add a level of protection to our base, and thus, we killed all the villagers located in the world so nobody would be able to repeat the same process.

    Is this a harsh move? Yes.
    Is it illegal? Hell no.

    Our method of getting our items from the overworld to the spirit world was a shortcut, if that is what you want to call it. It is not a bug, nor an exploit.
    We have not made it impossible for a player to raid us, we have just increased the difficulty 100x by removing the shortcut.

    Stop looking for problems where this isn't any. It's a method of protection, not a method of destruction.
  7. _sivi

    _sivi Member

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    I kind of agree with @NchemIcaLS . Yes @billyyjoee and @knoxz did a lot of work to obtain those ender pearls in spirit world, and build their base there, I have nothing against that. But the problem is as mentioned, they made sure that NO ONE else can obtain ender pearls in spirit world anymore, and build a base there. My opinion is that it makes the server a bit unbalanced, because they are the only ones that can transport items from overworld to spirit world without any problems, and no one else can. So basically they occupied one dimension and threat it like its their own personal one, by making sure no one else can make progress in it.

    P.S. I have nothing against them, nor them having a base in Spirit World. I don't even care about spirit world. But it just makes things unbalanced, and new players wont be able to make progress in the way they did, and the way they did it is not meant to be like that.
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2014
  8. NchemIcaLS

    NchemIcaLS New Member

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    I know that technically its not impossible but it virtually is. We banned the Spatial storage drive because it was 100% safe and should ban the ender pearl in the Spirit World which ONLY you have because it makes it 99.99% safe.
  9. _sivi

    _sivi Member

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    The problem is not ender pearl in Spirit World, I don't mind them having an ender pearl in spirit world if there is a way to obtain it.
    I only mind that they move items and resources from spirit world to overworld and vice versa. Because the game was not supposed to work like that. You are not supposed to be able to move items from Spirit World to Overworld and opposite, that's the only problem here. So my suggestion is to ban ender chest in Spirit World
  10. billyyjoee

    billyyjoee New Member

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    You still don't understand.

    Our base is not 99.99% safe. You are exaggerating this once again.
    Any player can raid us. If you gain entry to the spirit world, and you spent enough time gathering resources properly, you will be able to raid us with almost no issues. You just have to be clever about it.

    Anybody can still access the spirit world. It is not a world we claim for ourselves. We increased the difficulty for players to raid us, in the same way adding 20 layers of forcefields would prevent a player raiding us.

    In the case of the spatial storage cell, it was impossible to enter. Physically impossible. You teleported in/out with items, which no other player would be able to get access to.

    The spirit world is still free for all players to enter. We're not going to prevent that. We're just going to stop players using glitches and/or exploits to enter, and that is why you're so upset about this situation.
    As a moderator, you should have known you gained access to the spirit world through illegitimate means. As a moderator, it is your task to find bugs and submit them to be patched, and not abuse them.
  11. NchemIcaLS

    NchemIcaLS New Member

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    Are you kidding me! You have ender pearl where there isn't supposed to be one. Your the one who is exploiting here!!!! Unbelievable.
  12. billyyjoee

    billyyjoee New Member

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    If the player was not supposed to have access to an enderpearl, Azanor could have easily patched it, like I said in my first post.
  13. MaelstromPhoenix

    MaelstromPhoenix Well-Known Member

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    @billyyjoee You are missing the point entirely. The fact that you have a base in the Spirit World is not the problem. The point is that the mod author, Eminoph (not Azanor, this isn't Thaumcraft), has intentionally taken precautionary steps to prevent getting enderpearls in the Spirit World, as shown in countless change logs and forum posts. Even though you found a legitimate way to get an enderpearl it would still be considered a 'glitch' or exploit since you have an item that the mod is actively trying to prevent you from possessing. If you want to settle there that is not a problem but you should not be able to transfer items between Spirit World and Overworld, being forced to reset every time you switch if you choose to live in the Spirit World legitimately.
  14. billyyjoee

    billyyjoee New Member

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    I understand what you're trying to say, but we're not moving. You can claim all you want that what we're doing is an exploit, but we got into the world through legitimate means, and are in this world legitimately.

    I'd rather quit the server than leave our current base. You created this topic because you're angry that we got here first. You would have probably done exactly the same as us if you'd thought of it first, and did the correct research.
  15. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    Is it not possible to make a villager farm with doors in the spirit world to spawn them?
  16. Padson

    Padson Well-Known Member

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    yep, thats what we did
  17. knoxz

    knoxz Well-Known Member

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    I did read the minecraft forum, did you?? I really think I am the only one who used the search function of this thread. he banned every single way to get ender pearls in there. Ender Lily, Suicide, Mekanism portal and like 20 other mod ways to get in there. He always ignored the villager one. like 20 people reported to him that u can get ender pearls from villager. its like the easiest fix in the world. disable the priest or disable the ender pearl trade. he never did. intentional? i think so. he intended it to be super hard but not impossible!

    a base surrounded with 10 layers of warded stone would be way more secure then ours. do we ban warding ur base? no...
    we did defend ur base. just not straight forward defenses like everyone else. we planed ahead.
    Its just clever defenses. nothing more.

    its way less secure than a lot of other ways i can think of right now and more time consuming.
  18. NchemIcaLS

    NchemIcaLS New Member

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    We found a legit way to get an ender pouch into the Spirit World. I still don't think this is how its supposed to be but this at least levels the playing field for everyone. If this wasn't possible I still think their base would be at an unfair advantage. The way to do it is via forestry mailbox system.
  19. knoxz

    knoxz Well-Known Member

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    well IF u had read the mod authors forum posts. the only way u should be able to do it, is with villager.
    that's just another way that will be banned in one of his patches if someone reports it.

    also i keep reminding you. for now we are even in terms of base nuking.
    lets see who does the next step :p
  20. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    Farm world resets tomorrow! Just kidding, kind of. Another solution would be Spirit world resets weekly, or even daily.

    P.S. Spirit World is a farm world, so it will get resets.
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