Hi guys, i have a couple question: 1. super builder wand: is there a way to obtain it? 2. public ender chest: if someone take items from them, will they be punished? 3. auto-hammer (ex-compressum): i've tried some method to auto-insert diamond hammer, but i fail every time , is there a way to do it or is impossible? 4. grow pulser: is there a limit to how many i can place under crop before they lose the effect?
I know some servers have a recipe for the super builders wand, like AG2 (1 ingot Ardite poured over a Builders Wand on a Casting Table) I also know some servers (AGN) don't, so it really depends on the modpack creators.
In reply to your third question, I've never used the auto-hammers from ex-compressum but my suggestion is to try inputting on every side possible and if you're using EnderIO item conduits make sure that they're set to input and always active in the configuration of the conduits. Furthermore, SirWill has already said that players who take items that don't belong to them from a public ender chest will be punished but I suggest just shift right clicking a diamond on to it in order to make it private.
i tried to input on every side(with different pipe) and it seem impossible , i switched to the hammer from ex-astris with speed upgrade . I know about the private chest, i asked because i found a chest, while i was setting a farm, that have item in and after monitoring for some time these item didn't change, so i though that maybe some player that stopped to play had forgot the item in there
@Luca4389 I believe super builders wand may be obtainable (not sure) it is usually via the pseudo-inversion sigil
yeah, i was looking at that ritual but for now i can't do it cause i don't have some of the item required
Just to put all answers to your questions: Yes, Pseudo-inversion Sigil Ritual Or you can make the Wand from Betters Wands (i believe) its called Unbreakable Wand and you can place up to 16k blocks at a time. Yes. I personally always use the Automatic Hammerer (Ex-Astris i believe) because you can upgrade it very quickly and it doesnt run out of the upgrades There is a limit, 254 per crop. (world limit) but as you can only place blocks on y=2 -> 252 Growth Pulsers. Marking as done
about the unbreakable wand is crafted with the super builder wand and that's why i asked thx a lot @Mouro
Hmm, i tough it was with Nether Stars, can't remember why, Sorry ^-^[DOUBLEPOST=1484573882,1484573781][/DOUBLEPOST]Overview - Better Builder's Wands - Mods - Projects - Minecraft CurseForge
The super builders wand is made from the mobius "unstable" ingots or what ever they're called that you get from the normal recipe using a Pseudo-Inversion Sigil instead of a normal Activated Sigil.