Infinity Evolved: Skyblock thaumcraft question.

Discussion in 'Tutorials, Tips and Tricks' started by JoeLeoIV, Jan 5, 2017.

  1. JoeLeoIV

    JoeLeoIV Well-Known Member

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    Hey guys, i'm a relatively experienced dude when it comes to tech mods but in terms of magic I struggle quite a bit. I'm a big fan of automation and I rarely like to manually craft things. As such i rushed AE2 as fast as humanly possible. I can safely say i'm all the way through all of the tech mods and i'm on to thaumcraft. I have an infusion altar at this point.

    Here is my question. It seems that Balanced shards are kind of one of the first major crucible recipes that require high quantities. I want to use an alchemical construct with Essentia tubes to automate inserting the required essentia. However i do know that the tubes are notoriously frustrating. I'm trying to avoid the use of golems, because on my infinity evolved playthrough, they would despawn on server restarts, which i found extremely frustrating. Does anyone have a better method for inserting the essentia from jars or otherwise into an alchemical construct with the balanced shard recipe in mind? Thanks.
  2. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    I used the essentia crytals set up with ae autocrafting.
  3. JoeLeoIV

    JoeLeoIV Well-Known Member

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    Just found a direwolf20 video where he did something similar, how did you use the alchemical construct with this though?

    Edit: also i think that the alchemical construct might just be a bad item.
  4. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    Thaumic Energistics is your friend. Pipes are great if you understand how they work. Agree that golems are not worth it.

    Hint for pipes, look into the buffers, a good pipe system will use massive amounts of these, easily equal to the number of actual pipes.
  5. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    I usually use 2 golems and an alchemical furnace before, just add a lot of blocks below the golems and they should be fine and not despawn
  6. JoeLeoIV

    JoeLeoIV Well-Known Member

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    Booker i think you're right. My problem right now is suction? The concept is confusing to me at the moment. I feel like i just keep researching more into my thaumonicon and find out that i'm missing something else. Also is there a better way to research? That minigame is my least favorite part of magic.
  7. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    Try wacking the inputs and outputs of the buffers with a wand.

    Make sure to read up on the buffers fully in the thaumanamicon.
  8. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    If you have thaumic energistics in the pack you will eventually be able to get a block called the essentia provider and make your ME system capable of storing essentia. If placed on the input of the alchemical construct it will automatically output any required essentia from your ME system to the construct with no hassle of excess essentia stuck in thaumcraft pipes. Otherwise you will have to make due with thaum pipes as frustrating as they may be.
    I usually just do that stuff manually with a wall of jars, breaking the ones I need and placing them where I need them at the time just because I hate thaum pipes so much ;)

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