Soo, i've recently began playing regrowth again, and it striked me how severely boring the start is ^^; no offense to the modpack maker, its a very fun pack, but with mym's tendencys to Despawn entire pastures' worth of livestock, i thought it okay to make a suggestion; add specialty seeds into the pool for random items. seeds you cant' get normally, IE; Cow seeds, Chicken seeds, things that make the game less tedious, but also a little safer from Mym's server settings.
also, maybe we could add Slime tree saplings into the pool, since (and i've done researched and checked) there is NO LEGIT WAY to get them in the modpack. slime trees saplings aren't even in the Witchery mutandis rotation/pool.
maybe, maybe not. i see no reason why we should be disallowed such a simple thing xD either way, its a suggestion.
To make a crossbow bolt you need the metal-coated bolt, and a feather/leaf/etc "Fletching", you know, like on arrows too.
Thats why he says you can only use metal, just a small mixup. The tips of the bolts are metal, but the fletching is the leaves. Just clarifying it a bit.
The seeds would be a no as all of them are able to be created and have a use. As for the slime sapling that is something we can look into
The seeds aren't obtainable normally in regrowth. i literally checked for the recipes 2 minutes ago, and they're not there.
Looking through the configs those have been disabled by the Pack author. Slime saplings require slime grass to grow on though, so the sapling recipe by itself would be useless. So Spoiler: Merry Christmas
hmm? first off, i understand the first part, lol. 2, i DISTINCTLY remember growing mass amounts of slime trees on the dark trilogy. 3, what is this? recipes in-game? or yet to be implemented?
erm wait a second. Slime Saplings can be gotten legitimately on regrowth as an expierenced player on that server I can confirm that you can get them by opening a bunch of Reward bags which you get from the dungeon maps.
i've no idea, but i like the implemented recipes. they're alot less rng-related for Late-game players.