Decided Against /absence change

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Yusami_, Jan 7, 2017.

  1. Yusami_

    Yusami_ Well-Known Member

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    6:49 AM
    I started on the MyM network playing on SkyFactory 2.5 and when a few weeks ago I decided to go on Project Ozone 2 Kappa mode so I typed /absence on SkyFactory hoping to not lose my island, but when I joined Kappa mode it stopped the /absence. My suggestion is to make it so that joining another server/modpack on the MyM network doesn't stop the /absence you set up on another server.

    Side note: I'm fairly certain I hadn't rejoined SkyFactory in more than 2 weeks so it's understandable that my island was deleted but the /absence shouldn't turn off if you join a completely different server on the network.
  2. F4lconwings

    F4lconwings Well-Known Member

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    The absence system is implemented to make players that go on a longer vacation not lose their progress in forms of deleting their island or claim after 2 weeks. It is well thought, that the absence is networkwide and it only stays till you next log on any server of MyM. Because otherwise there would be absolutely no need for the command and you are actually abusing it that way by using it and not being absent as you can play on another server of MyM.
  3. CollinsToys

    CollinsToys Well-Known Member

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    I know it's necessary, however I think the whole 2 week thing sucks. I like playing on 4 or 5 mod packs at once because I get bored easily. I am an adult and I run a business and take care of a family, i.e. busy. If they changed it to 4 weeks it would work out better, for me anyway. Also If I am on one of the servers, That should count toward all of them. I play by myself and don't usually team so it takes a while to get far into a pack. This makes it very disappointing when I get back on a pack and see I have missed the 2 week deadline for whatever reason. And I know I could play single player but I like interacting via chat and Markets, etc.

    There's my 2 cents.
    Back to sky factory 3!
  4. _Lordicon

    _Lordicon MyM Real OG

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    I understand how frustrating it can be to lose a lot of progress on a modpack because you start playing a different modpack. The "/absence" command gives an extra 30 days of inactivity from the whole network not from each pack. This is for players that go on vacation or are very active in real life that they can not login, It gives them extra time to come back to the network without losing all of their progress.

    If you are playing a different pack than you are not really absent are you? The command is working as intended and was never meant to be used between modpacks the only thing I can suggest at this time would be to remember to login to the other modpacks and refresh your base every 10-12 days.
    HelloKittyPhone and F4lconwings like this.
  5. ben_mkiv

    ben_mkiv Well-Known Member

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    When you login to refresh a base get sure to stay a few minutes, so the script can recognize you. For me it allways worked to check
    /stats me
    and wait for the current server to appear on the last seen line.
    Broklyn_Datroll likes this.
  6. Yusami_

    Yusami_ Well-Known Member

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    6:49 AM
    Understandable, thanks.
  7. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    Now if only you could do a command in game on whatever server u were on to reset the timer on other servers, something like "/online update projectozonetitan" or something like that. But I can see why that wouldn't happen (other than that it's probly impossible or atleast hard to do). It would just be a lot easier then logging in to the other pack (which can take awhile on slow computers), and waiting up to 5 minutes just to leave as soon as it's updated.
    And it would even solve the problem of people who can't get in a pack because of some bug that takes too long to be resolved :D.

    (Why do I love impossible ideas so much?)
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2017

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