Crafting Recipies for AE2 Inscriber Presses

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by littlejdude, Jan 10, 2017.


Should we add recipes for the AE2 inscriber press's? (Please actually read before you vote)

  1. Yes

  2. No

    0 vote(s)
  1. littlejdude

    littlejdude Well-Known Member

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    So we have been having issues with AE2 Presses for a long while on open world modpacks. (Ferret, Infinity, ETC.)
    What happens is that for whatever reason, AE2 structures will not generate within the farm worlds. Due to this, in order to get an ME system, someone has to share parts with you to make a copy. This can sometimes be difficult.

    If anyone has a recipe for them, please submit them in this thread. I have created a recipe myself so far, and have taken the recipe from Agrarian Skies 2, so please give suggestions or ideas of your own.

    AG2 Recipies.

    Custom Recipies.
    HelloKittyPhone and profrags like this.
  2. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    seems fair enough to me, just make it a bit less expensive on the inscribers or make them give you back an inscriber as well and i agree with it
  3. Kiah84

    Kiah84 Well-Known Member

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    I don't think the inscriper is all that expensive.

    If you make 3 Fluix crystals then a 4th isn't a problem since you make 2 at a time.

    Looking apart from that you then need 7 iron ingots, 8 cobblestones, 2 redstone, 6 wood planks and 2 slime balls (or 2 raw rubber)
    If you can't get those mats you shouldn't be able to build a ME System yet.

    Of course looking at all 4 presses at a time 12 Fluix Crystals rather than 16 is better, but instead of an inscriper in the recipe a Fluix Crystal should be in it instead, making it almost as expensive just less complex. (I believe the Fluix Crystal is the most expensive of the mats).

    Considering this should be instead of searching for meteors or asking to copy a set from others, I believe it should be a complex and slightly expensive recipe, which is why i agree with having the inscriper in the recipe.
    littlejdude likes this.
  4. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    for something that should be a technically infinite & easy to get resource?
  5. littlejdude

    littlejdude Well-Known Member

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    On top of that, you really don't need the inscriber presses before you make a crystal charger, and having one of those makes making fluix 10x eazyer. But pretty much, Kiah said my exact reasoning.[DOUBLEPOST=1484012669][/DOUBLEPOST]
    I see your point here, but searching for them does take a bit of time, and you don't get them all with the first meteorite. I figured that it could give some challenge but it's definitely open for change if needed.
  6. Kiah84

    Kiah84 Well-Known Member

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    Well @chugga_fan you might be right, but if it is too easy and cheap to make then you make it pointless to search for meteors or ask to copy a set in chat.

    I don't think that the recipe is all that expensive, to make it less complex you can change the Insriper for a Fluix Crystal or give the Inscriper 4 charges so you can make 4 presses with 1 Inscriper (don't know if that is at all possible). Another alternative is to use a Sky Stone instead of the Inscriper that will make the recipe less complex and cheaper and still send you out searching for meteors, you could also use 3 Sky Stone and 1 Fluix Crystal to make it even cheaper (instead of the 3 Fluix Crystals and the Inscriper).
    MadPandaLord likes this.
  7. a3person

    a3person Irradiated Reactor Dragon

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    I heard Aidoneus was working on a fix for the meteors not spawning in farmworlds and other problems that come with some mods structures and ores only spawning in the overworld dimension 0. So that'd probably also mean that Rogue Like Dungeons would also spawn in farmworlds if his fix that he's working on does get implemented.
  8. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    To clarify @a3person , I believe I said I would only try to fix the ores from nuclear-craft from NOT spawning in the Farmworld. The issue you are referring to is the AE2 metors is a bit different. They technically do spawn in the Farmworld, however the compass doesn't work in that world to actually find them. I THINK. I will discuss with the other Admins on how they want to proceed with this. No promises though. @BookerTheGeek would probably have more insight to this.
    a3person likes this.
  9. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    So any news?
  10. Regulator_1A

    Regulator_1A Patron Tier 3

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    2:50 AM
    Could this be implemented on Infinity Expert? They are all gone in expert node 5

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