Hello, I am making this post to discuss some possible forums changes I feel should be implemented. For starters, I always thought it was weird that I didn't have the option to delete my own comments. (Am I missing something?) I think this could be useful in the event that you decide to completely remove a comment, rather than edit it. Secondly, when someone posts on the forums, they should have the control to move it to another section. I'll use myself as an example of this; I recently made a post on the "Other" section of the support forums regarding an issue in SkyFactory 3 and later realized that there is now a section specifically dedicated to SkyFactory 3 (I haven't paid much attention and have just been posting in the "Other" forums), but I have no control to move the post I made.
You just gave yourself the solution to all your questions. Pay more attention and you wont need to edit your posts nor need to move your posts to the correct forum if you post them in the right section to begin with
Usually all user content in a forum is considered common property. Everyone judges the need for a removal of a post differently. Some might never do it, even when they posted it on the in the wrong section while others might remove a post once their issue has been resolved. e.g. Done - Crash on launch | MineYourMind Community Therefor we like to keep the judging regarding what content is worth deleting to staff who are following guidelines. Regarding moving, we have some private sections which are only visible to the author and staff to report dupe bugs, complain about other players or even complain about staff. If a user moves such a topic to a public place this would be an issue. When a case happens where you would like to delete or move a topic, please use the report button and ask nicely for it
deepcage I guess you're right, lol. And thank you, Slind, you bring up some valid points and I'll be sure to keep that in mind!