Done power sharing Extra_Utilities_2

Discussion in 'Sky Factory 3' started by Tapercrazy_jay, Jan 16, 2017.

  1. Tapercrazy_jay

    Tapercrazy_jay Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    6:27 AM
    hi there me n my teammate are getting very not happy with the new Extra_Utilities_2 power sharing everytime we do the commond it undos it self everytime the server restarts is there anyway to turn it off or see how come it ant saving ta
  2. Yusami_

    Yusami_ Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    2:27 AM
    My guess is that there is something causing the command to undo itself after a set amount of time. If I had to give you an answer right now I'd say it might be a result of the server restarting or rolling back causing the command to reset to before you did it. I don't know for sure, however. I'd suggest waiting for a reply from a staff member on this post or making a ticket regarding the issue.
  3. _KitaKitsune

    _KitaKitsune Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
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    1:27 PM
    It's simply just the mod itself not saving the data, this issue has been fixed in the latest Exu2 update, now we only need to wait for the pack author to make a new update that include the latest version of Exu2 that has the fix.
    Slind and Yusami_ like this.
  4. Yusami_

    Yusami_ Well-Known Member

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    2:27 AM
    Good to know.

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