Ag+ Issues And Possible Fix

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Haltthebladeling, Jul 28, 2014.


Do you like the application process idea for Ag+?

  1. No

    8 vote(s)
  2. Yes

    1 vote(s)
  3. YESS!!! DO IT!!

    1 vote(s)
  1. Haltthebladeling

    Haltthebladeling New Member

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    Local Time:
    12:22 PM
    Over the past week just having started with this server I have seen a few issues with Ag+

    The server consistently crashes or lags mainly due to inexperienced players that don't know what they are doing. For example breaking a better barrel that is full.

    The ag+ server is currently a whitelist server where all you have to do to play on it is be nice to some one and get invited. Which then allows new people to the mod or minecraft over to mess with the best Agrarian server.

    I believe I have found a fix.

    The fix would be to make the Ag+ server application/invite based.
    -In order to apply you first must be invited from someone that already plays ag+
    -Then you must submit an application on the forum with several requirements as such:
    =Must be able to go on ts and talk for a voice communication interview and have a mic and headphones
    =Must have completed a significant portion of the quest book
    (maybe just learning to skyblock)
    =Must have general knowledge of minecraft and the major mods included in Agrarian Pack
    =Must have screen shots of your current original work
    -After having submitted the application must have a certain amount of backers like 5-10
    -Must be active at least once or twice a week. Gone for more than a month with out notice losses your island and must reapply with good reasoning to why you didn't play. (can be active on any server)

    Let me know what you guys think!
    I believe this would help clear out some clutter and inexperienced players than continue to crash the server.

    Thanks for your time,

    P.S. If you like the Idea please back me up so they know the community likes the idea and will implement something to help our main concern which is being able to play uninterrupted by crashes and lag.
  2. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member Patron Tier 1

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    Local Time:
    6:22 PM
    I'd much rather have to retroactively teach players who are causing problems unintentionally, what it is they are doing wrong and how to do it properly in future, than give the server a bad image and restrict the number of new people wanting/able to join it by setting a load of elitist requirements.

    Also there is a flaw in your reasoning, because in many cases, it is not new and inexperienced players who cause crashes, but rather the people with extensive knowledge of the various mods who end up creating weird interactions that a new player would never even think to do!

    Over on our Monster servers for example we occasionally have to deal with people who screw over entire regions of the map while experimenting with Reika's ReactorCraft mod, something only an experienced player would have idea how to get started with.
  3. Haltthebladeling

    Haltthebladeling New Member

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    Local Time:
    12:22 PM
    Well then maybe an admin needs to actually be on to help those players because today the server has crashed at least 10 times within 2 hours which is really frustrating to the people trying to complete tasks. Or like some of the people on ts were trying to go to other planets and it was causing major issues.
  4. Auvreaeath

    Auvreaeath Active Member

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    12:22 PM
    Throughout the day we (Co-Admins and Admins) are running from server to server to ensure everything is working smoothly. Hardly are we ever on any specific server unless we have made the time available and free. In the event that a server goes down we generally will have one of the Admins come over and if required remove a block or restore a chunk too a previous backup if that's the case of the crash. When the player gets back on we'll explain to them what was causing the issue and if possible give them a solution as well.

    However on the point of this: "The server consistently crashes or lags mainly due to inexperienced players that don't know what they are doing."

    Last night I had run over to AG+ because on someones island there was a turtle causing an occasional server crash. However previously it had been working fine for hours, the problem was that there was just (one) specific infernal mob that when attacked by the turtle caused the crash. Would you consider that his fault or make him inexperienced?

    Unfortunately with any of our Agrarian servers we face a new problem almost daily, and from my time I've seen that's just how the Modpack is, but we try to get it fixed as soon as possible for the enjoyment of the players. So my two cents on the original post, I don't think it would really make too much of a difference if we began more tightly regulating the AG+ Whielist as there will always be someone who causes the crash no matter how "inexperienced" or "experienced" they may be as it may not be directly their fault or they were just attempting something new.

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