Done I need a set of eyes that aren't lagging

Discussion in 'The Ferret Business' started by ReaperDragon4, Jan 24, 2017.

  1. ReaperDragon4

    ReaperDragon4 Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    10:47 PM
    so... I've been trying on and off since the last update to figure this out on my own, and I need someone who isn't lagging to look at my claim at +1182 -557 to help me figure out exactly what I did to get it to lag to 1 - 3 fps, 1-3 chunk updates a second.

    >.> I tried taking down machines, aura cascade nodes, apiaries, anything that the server would have to update. I can barely move. I can't maintain my claim like this and i don't want the chunks reset in my claim. If you saw what the building looks like you'd understand that I put a lot of work into it.

    All this started soon after matter overdrive was removed and just kept getting worse and worse. ;.; I did so well and I got so far. I don't want to quit.
  2. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    3:47 AM
    I don't have any issues in your base. 100+ FPS
  3. ReaperDragon4

    ReaperDragon4 Well-Known Member

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    10:47 PM

    *cries* i have 4 gig total on this machine and my other one doesn't want to run ANY modpacks!

    any suggestions other than moving out and resetting?
  4. DragonbornWolf

    DragonbornWolf Furry Gamer

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    Local Time:
    9:47 PM
    4 gigs of ram total? and you said your base was fine until matter overdrive was removed? wow o_o

    But anyways, you could try and allocate a little more ram to the game
  5. ReaperDragon4

    ReaperDragon4 Well-Known Member

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    10:47 PM
    i've already allocated 3 gig of the four. Hell the hard drive is nearly full for all i know that might be it. I'm gonna have to get all the usual routine cleanings done before I try again and dig through my data for things i can throw away.

    I've been fighting the lag monster since my brother tried to visit my base and said his computer got lagged to the point of a crash to desktop there. Because you know, its nice to have your siblings visit your base. >.>

    I'm gonna start taking things down and converting my chests a bit at a time to resonant strong boxes and me drives. But my base is designed to be accessed by something flying, and near as I can tell flight requires at least 5 fps with the morph mod for me to be able to get off the ground!
  6. Datsaltysnek

    Datsaltysnek lover of NCIS

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    Local Time:
    9:47 PM
    hmmm i know your probs not gonna like this but maybe try adding optifine and fine tuneing your jmv arugments and if you can try to over clock your cpu/gpu if you can that might give you a slight boost [Program] Java Argument Generator - Speed Up Minecraft! Minecraft Mod copy the second half of what ever argument you get if this dosent work then i got nothing else besides maybe upgrade to a ssd or m.2 storage thing or upgrade you ram to dual channel thats all i have that might fix this best of luck and god help you
  7. ReaperDragon4

    ReaperDragon4 Well-Known Member

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    10:47 PM
    i have no clue what you just said. ;.;

    also for people looking at this, I raised the max ram for the mym launcher to 3.5 gig, cleaned out the registry and did a disk cleanup and disk defragment.

    I got a slight reduction in lag from this. V.V;;;;
  8. BlueDiggy

    BlueDiggy Well-Known Member

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    3:47 AM
    Hi in game u told me u have win10. major issue is that 4gb are the suggested ram amount to dedicate at java launcher (that's minecraft) BUT also your OS (operative Sistem) need ram to work. win10 require at least a couple of gigs to run decently without considering other programs.

    Solutions: 1 (obvious) add RAM
    2) Reduce graphical settings (like no sky, no bubble, no bobbing etc)
    3) in windows disable programs auto launch at start (will save u some ram)

    in any situation, a maintenaince of pc every couple of month is warmly recomanded, like chach clearing, check that.
    Defrag is a good things to do after serveral install\uninstall of programs, but dont do it so often (it's pretty stressing the hd)

    Wish to see u ingame!

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