This is a big issue, my mob grinders have stopped working after 2 months and even replacing them does not fix it, this caused an issue when I did not notice this and had about 300 wither skeletons waiting to be killed in one area, causing massive tps lag, any ideas why?
This happened in multiple chunks, and happened against blazes, and more recently, wither skeletons, after multiple restarts
happened to me on the 23rd(after chugga had this problem), had over 500 wither skeletons in a 7x7x7 box. once i killed them manually the tps raised from 2.4 to 20. I was using a fully upgraded staff of power with all the damage and range upgrades (should have killed almost all of them in one hit) to clear out the 500 skeletons, but it was only killing the skeletons one by one. i had it set up with an Mechanical User with 20 speed upgrades that stopped working causing the mass mob spawn and then when i set up draconic grinders to clear the skeletons they didn't kill anything. (Note the mechanical user still had a fully repaired weapon in it and stopped swinging the weapon). Just like with chugga they are now working as normal again.... its really odd.
did this start happening after a server restart and were you using /xu_powersharing ? because power sharing gets reset after server restarts, meaning that most of your things will stop working or slow down if you are not making enough GP yourself
it happened after a server crash. yes i am using /xu_power sharing but i was producing around 4,000gp(its more like 5500gp now) and only using 1300. The person im sharing my power with has only played on the server for 3-4 hours and has maybe 100 gp of mine being used
just linking this, as it may be the same issue... also my assumption about the non-hostile mobs might be wrong Open - way to many mobs bug? | MineYourMind Community
It seems to be, as normally the EIO spawners can limit their spawning just fine, as well as the draconic grinders (All FOUR of them) were not killing anything during that time, even breaking/replacing did not work, although the theory of non-hostile mobs for draconic grinders seems a little far fetched, as there were only hostile mobs in my mob tank there
its happening again.... before someone mentions the grinder had no cables attached, it has max RF in it currently(500,000 if i remember correctly)
Likely due to the crashes interfering with the actual machines or info about the chunk (Maybe unloading the chunk?). I'm no coder and I'm only assuming from the few years I've had in modded minecraft
its just happened again, this time the grinder and mechanical user were working perfectly fine and then just stopped, there was no crash or restart and i never left the chunk they are in. Turing both machines on and off with a lever does nothing and replacing them also doesn't work. Oddly enough its not all machines in the chunk, the Ender IO spawners still work just the killing machines dont.
Maybe find another way of killing them if that's the case. If I remember correctly pu ji sticks and spikes are in that modpack. Not as good but should suffice.
Not anywhere nearly as good, the death needs to be fast so I can get 300+ nether stars for what I want to do, which is the main issue
300 stars = 5mins... (with draconic grinder) i don't see a problem to stand there for 5minutes and watch it
Of course there isn't, so I have 5 EIO spawners with 4 mob grinders that get 1 skull drop every 4 seconds just about