''Discussion in 'BevosTechPack' started by TimH3000, Today at 10:48 AM.'' The post about resets needs to be updated, it only states that planets dont get reset under b-team
Galactic Science is a modpack, im talking about the mod galacticraft in the modpack bevo's tech pack.
Correct, My bad I posted the wrong lines. Anyway as far as I have always been aware we never reset any planets on any modpack, However I could be mistaken so I will unmark this as done until someone else can give a more descriptive answer.
No problem, thaught the same thing first time I read it, anyway that was the information I need, thanks for the help you 2!
i've played bevo for a while and the planets didn't reset. also admins/mods told that they wont reset them because people build bases there and worlds aren't limited. anyway because of this you may have to get further out to get the schematics...
To sum everything up. No Galaticraft planets do not reset. We don't do this because the planets should be unlimited.
ust gona say this again so you guys dont forget, you should update this post>>>Info - Automatic Farmworld Resets | MineYourMind Community its outdated