Today I was playing on the node 1 SkyFactory 2.5 server, and I made my wolf altar and became a werewolf. I then proceeded to do the quest for the wolf altar. Then I got up to the part where I had to fight The Horned Huntsman. I summoned him but then he spawned on top of my walls and fell of the edge. I cannot get the horn back and do not know what to do. The real problem about this is that it says that I need to summon him with the horn. If anyone can please help me it would be appreciated.
I'm not really familiar with Witchery quite yet, hopefully this link helps. Horned Huntsman - Feed The Beast Wiki
This wolf master, powerful and scary looking boss can be summoned on 2 different ways. 1-. By making a Wicker-Man out of Bloodied Wicker Bundle on the exact same position including the direction the Wicker-Man hay bales are placed and then firing the Bloodied Wicker Bundle with fire from a lighter, lightning, fire charge, lava and as of version 0.19.0, a Mystic Branch using the Incendio effect can ignite it too. 2-. By having the curse of the wolf and reaching level 5 wolf, you will need to summon the Horned Huntsman using the Horn of the Hunt. On method one, to make the Bloodied Wicker Bundle the player needs 5 Wicker Bundle and 1 demonic blood to make 5 Bloodied Wicker Bundle, so the player would need 20 Wicker Bundle and 4 demonic blood to make 20 Bloodied Wicker Bundle To make Wicker Bundle is just saplings filling the 3X3 crafting grid. It says here there is another way of summoning him, but I am unfamiliar with that method. This should have solved your issue so I will mark this as Done. Have a nice day!