Done Entity Mover Report ( Attack on B- Team )

Discussion in 'B-Team' started by Abood10, Jan 3, 2017.

  1. Abood10

    Abood10 New Member

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    Local Time:
    4:37 PM
    Hello, so recently on Attack on B- team I just crafted an entity mover and I thought about moving my dragon, When I try placing it back It doesn't work, I just need help. I lost a dragon, and a Entity Mover due to this. Please fix this. It was my Ice Dragon.
  2. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    11:37 PM
    Most likely too many mobs in the area where you used it.
  3. pureatti2ude

    pureatti2ude Well-Known Member

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    4:37 PM
    Dragons, are also very bad about de-spawning on attack of the b-team server. You have to be careful. The safe way to go for future reference is using a re-usable safari net to catch your dragon and releasing it in the new location later.
  4. SKKIB

    SKKIB Member

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    2:37 PM
    i agree i play this server too and people keep telling me i shouldn't be allowed to use safari nets and that it's cheating but i just tell them if you use them responsibly like moving your own dragons or pets, then you should be able to use them so just go for it!
  5. LunaBlossoms

    LunaBlossoms Well-Known Member

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    4:37 PM
    First off, safari nets are not banned server wise so there's no need to feel "ashamed or as if you're cheating" by using them. They're perfectly OK! And most likely the cheapest and best way of storing your pets and other desired 'living' things.

    Secondly, as Sir Will said, it is most likely that you OP had placed the dragon in an area where there was too many mobs (both passive and aggressive). Make sure that you're under the 30 mob limit in a 3x3 chunk area. As for the entity mover disappearing I believe those are possibly one time use. However, the better safari net (one made using ender pearls and ghast tear) you can use multiple times.

    Please try again and best of luck!

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