Done Cannot Join The Server

Discussion in 'Direwolf20 1.10' started by PkmnBrawler, Jan 29, 2017.

  1. PkmnBrawler

    PkmnBrawler Well-Known Member

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    5:32 AM
    I am joining the Direwolf 1.10.0 server for the first time. I am using the MyM launcher, which means that I am using the correct version of the game, if I am not mistaken. Whenever I join the server, I get multiple notifications to update Gravestone, Botania etc. I try to turn my player, and my game crashes. I'm not sure if I am running the right version (which I think I am), or a problem with my game, my PC etc. Help would be very much appreciated on this issue.
  2. Rubijox

    Rubijox Well-Known Member

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    you wouldn't be able to join the server if you weren't running the right version.

    If you could
    post a crash-report, we would be able to find why you are crashing.
    Click Here ↑↑↑ to find out How to get One.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2017
  3. PkmnBrawler

    PkmnBrawler Well-Known Member

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    5:32 AM
    For some reason I do not have a crash-report folder inside of my minecraft folder. I have used the method in MyM and ftb launchers.
  4. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    10:32 AM
    • IP you are connecting to
    • Screenshot of the error
    • Did you reinstall the modpack yet?
  5. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    5:32 AM
    Did you assign at least 4gb of RAM to minecraft?
  6. larkinjet

    larkinjet Well-Known Member

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    Ok, I own my copy of minecraft, I am a premium member, In the last few months I have logged maybe 200 hours on the mym direwold server. I live alone so no one knows my password. I have alotted a ton of ram to the game.
    After playing this morning, I tried to log on later. and MYM didn't know who I was and I had to re-regester using the same-old names and pass. A request for me to download a new minecraft launcher and everytime I tried it, it fizzled. It is sitting there with a frozen loading bar.. I went directly to the mojang site and no luck..
    I don't flame or cause trouble, all I want to do is play my game..
    Please respond

    I just reinstalled direwolf, no luck
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2017
  7. Rubijox

    Rubijox Well-Known Member

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    No idea why you are quoting me here, also you shouldnt hijack someone else's thread.
    And then i have no idea what i should be responding to.
  8. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Hijacking another person's thread makes a bit difficult to respond to your issue. Could you make a separate thread so we can attempt to help you.
  9. larkinjet

    larkinjet Well-Known Member

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    5:32 AM
    I have a short question.. On the mym direwolf server, are we using the Curse launcher?..Or this new Minecraft launcher?[DOUBLEPOST=1485894011][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Thank you for the kind reply.. The thread was titled, Cant get on server.. Well, I cant get on the server.. No hijack intended.. Just point me in the right direction..
  10. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    1.7.10 any launcher should work, 1.10 is a little trickier, if you want to avoid a bunch of headaches use the mym launcher as it will always reflect what the server is running, curse might have different mod versions from us forcing you to track down those versions.
  11. larkinjet

    larkinjet Well-Known Member

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    As of this morning, it's been fine for months why would it not be now?
  12. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    This goes back to hijacking threads and making it difficult to troubleshoot. I have no idea which version of Direwolf you are running, and you haven't indicated as to whether it crashes providing a crash-report. So all I know so far is you can't connect to one of the three Direwolf servers
  13. JavaEight

    JavaEight New Member

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    9:32 AM
    They recently forced everyone to use the silly minecraft updater thing from mojang which is renowned for being a piece of crap, and prone to hang either at "preparing" or when trying to download random files.

    I've previously just used the curse launcher, but finally bit the bullet and started re-using the MyM one.

    But regardless, thread hijacking yada yada yada

    *walks into distance*
    LunaBlossoms and SirWill like this.
  14. LunaBlossoms

    LunaBlossoms Well-Known Member

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    As for the original poster, @PkmnBrawler , has the circumstance changed? Have you been able to log in or different error pops up? Please let us know so that we may help you out in the best way possible here.

    Thank you.
  15. LunaBlossoms

    LunaBlossoms Well-Known Member

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    As there is no answer from the OP for almost a week now, I'll mark this thread as done.
    Please let us know if you need further assistance with this.

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