Done Possible issue with Big Reactors?

Discussion in 'Monster' started by Snikens, Jul 26, 2014.

  1. Snikens

    Snikens New Member

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    Local Time:
    6:04 PM
    Im having an issue with my big reactor going empty possibly from server restarts.
    I've refilled it 4 times now with 528 yellorium ingots but when i log off for a while the fuel just disappears....
    My usage of fuel is nowhere near enough to emtpy it out in a matter of few hours considering the size of the thing and the measures taken to lower fuel consumption.
    Im using Online dectectors to turn it off when im offline and rednet ports to controll fuel usage so it should last for a long while before needing to get filled up again. In addition to a reprocessor which is plugged in at all times.

    My average fuelconsumption is 0.084mb\t when i use energy and it has 528000mb (528 bars) internal storage in addition to a the input port which stores 64000mb (64 ingots) and the cyanite reprocessor which is linked to another input port.
    At full load it still doesnt use more then 0.180ish mb\t but it never goes this high as i dont use much power atm and my rednet port tunes the controll rods down to reduce consumption.

    I've also made sure the whole thing is within 1 chunk so there's no funky behaviour from that.

    I've lost atleast 1800 Yellorium from this behaviour now so i'd like to know what is wrong..

    Pics of setup below :

  2. ctacuk

    ctacuk Well-Known Member

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    7:04 PM
    have the same issue on Monster East. tho my reactor is smaller, about 64 bars. Many people reported this problem in a chat, so i guess its mod related
    chugga_fan likes this.
  3. Snikens

    Snikens New Member

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    6:04 PM
    Well i tested it again now, i refilled it 5mins after i posted the message above and then gamed for maybe half an hour before i logged off. when i logged on now. empty again... so there is definately an issue here ![DOUBLEPOST=1406423414,1406417120][/DOUBLEPOST]Just going to the miningworld and back it emptied out again...
  4. YourMCGeek

    YourMCGeek Well-Known Member

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    1:04 PM
    Try spot loading it
  5. Snikens

    Snikens New Member

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    6:04 PM
    Since i dont have donator rank i believe it will just remove it if i try making it?
    Atleast im pretty sure i tried making the big one which you split into 10 small ones cause i was going to try just that and when i was going to move it into the crafting table it just disappeared.

    But it matters not, i've more or less abandoned the server because of the recurring issues.
    There might have been an issue with the chunk where i was located or something, i dont know. But when all my ic2 cables and machinery had to be "replaced" as in wrenched and placed again after each login\out or teleport i got fed up of the whole thing. My cables started to not link to eachother etc. So the frustration from it all made me demotivated to continue. This was not in the same chunk.... so it spread like cancer..

    Here's pics of the cable problem aswell so people dont think its just propaganda. cause i liked the server, just not the bugs and i felt i got fucked right in the a** because of them and all the time \ resources wasted :p

  6. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    6:04 PM
    I totally understand the frustration and I would like to solve the issue but unfortunately is it nearly impossible to be solved from our end.
    These bugs are well known and other servers have them, too. Even though no one has found out what exactly is causing. Sorry, we tried to figure it out by hours of investigating, but didn't even get one step closer to the source. :(

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