not so HUNGRY nodes

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by madzdz, Jul 30, 2014.

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  1. madzdz

    madzdz Member

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    lets start by small introduction:

    After some contemplation, I managed to create evil plan in my head to make nice and efficient wand recharging station. The task was dangerous as hell, and biomos plenty didn't helped at all. First of all, i had to gain access to deep dark, because after 8 hours of constant traveling, I was unable to find hungry node. (biomos plenty deserves whole different "cry" and "whine" thread). When everything was in place, and i finally found hungry node, reality of MyM slapped my face with something like nerf bat: Hungry node for UNKNOWN reason are Mutilated, and left destituted! They can no longer hug players, or even suck items. only dull block devour, at retarded slow ratio.

    Come on. What is reason to kill such amazing aspect of thaumcraft? Because its dangeorus? IT WAS DESIGNED TO BE DANGEROUS. If someone cant deal with it, then he avoid it (pretty easy, as only moron could not recognize black hole sucking everything that surrounds.)

    Maybe You are aware of griefing possibilities? Yeah, because everyone can use their wands to relase that beast near someone claim... {sarcasm off}

    So, in my opinion, action You took doesnt help at all in anything, and in fact kill one of great aspect of thaumcraft. Please consider reverting that change.

    Best regards, Madzdz

    edit: there we have reason for such behaviour:

    	# Negative nodes like hungry, tainted or dark nodes will have additional, much nastier, effects.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2014
  2. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    This is not a decision that we have specifically made, this the default setting as set by the FTB team in their default config files, so don't go blaming us for it not being enabled... and to be honest, considering you just mentioned the exact reasons why it might -and thus should- be disabled, I can't say I see any reason to change that now.
  3. madzdz

    madzdz Member

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    primo, i couldnt know that this was default value, secundo, my exact reasons were sarcasm. no one can place nodes near claims, because MyM protex or something like that will not allow. Tertio, hungry nodes are so rare, that benefits of possessing one are clearly higher than risk of being sucked by one. (i had to spend whole 10 hours to find hungry node).
    Quatro, if You don't see any reasons for making game quality changes, then I see no reason to whole suggestion section to exist.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2014
  4. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    uhh careful madzdz, your type of formulation sounds aggressive to me. Do you feel attacked by chaos saying his opinion?
  5. Doctorfoxwolf

    Doctorfoxwolf Well-Known Member

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    He means that while dangerous, the node can be contained and if someone sees a large crater in the terrain with particle effects of stuff getting sucked into the node, you're really asking for it if you go near it. I found one of these by pure luck and I had wanted one because 1: I had always been short on ordo, so the shard magical crops I had would fix that and other things, 2: Watching mobs be killed by it is amusing and a new kind of mob farm, and 3: Most epic recycling bin ever.

    While it's personal I personally think the gain outweighs the risk.
  6. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    We had it on one server enabled for quite some time and got a few players complaining about it as they lost a lot of stuff. We could add it to ProtectEx so that you can't place them near claims to avoid griefing but I'm not so sure if players do understand it. The default setting is disabled and players get with this intention into the game. I don't like putting up signs on the spawn or similar to inform new players.
    I would like to hear the opinions of a few more players.
  7. Doctorfoxwolf

    Doctorfoxwolf Well-Known Member

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    You already can't place it near claims, as the only way to move it is a jar, which to release the node you have to place the jar then right click with a wand.
  8. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    there are other buggy ways. ;)
  9. Doctorfoxwolf

    Doctorfoxwolf Well-Known Member

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    I guess it doesn't really matter to me anymore, a bucket of water somehow killed it.
  10. madzdz

    madzdz Member

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    Oh, to be fair, I never knew about this configuration as i went into server, it was not into any rules etc. Also keep in mind that creator of thaumcraft make this option default true, so its just sick idea of ftb to turn it off.

    Volenti non fit iniuria: to a willing person, injury is not done. If someone really want to hug hungry node, then its his choice. How can we stop him from it? its unnatural. Also, if there are "other buggy ways" to right click with wand on something... then i feel like my whole home could be stolen block by block - so in this case we are curing the symptoms not the cause.

    Last edited: Jul 30, 2014
  11. YourMCGeek

    YourMCGeek Well-Known Member

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    I think you should leave it the way it is, but maybe have a warning that if the person wants to press "charges" against the player they can.
  12. Guigui_

    Guigui_ Well-Known Member

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    I agree with madzdz , hungry nodes should be set as "hungry". I saw one in an ethoslab video and it was awesome.

  13. krupterz

    krupterz Local jerkface

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    The problem with setting that setting is it does more than allow the hungry node to eat stuff other than blocks, it makes ALL the "evil" nodes alot nastier. I've played and a true hardmode server with all the thaum nasty enabled and hungry nodes get outright nasty and will suck you in and kill you rather quickly.
    Guigui_ likes this.
  14. TehG00SE

    TehG00SE New Member

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    This is my first run on the updated thaumcraft and even Monster, and we are having a blast. From a server admin perspective, you have already protected yourself from a loss of any kind, with your stance on Lost Items/Refunds; which was a bold, but good idea IMO. EVERYONE has "that incident" where they are full of things they don't want to lose, and get surprised by a creeper, some random mobs in another map, break the "never mine down" rule and find lava, or in one way or another, die, and we all know we have to continue. As you get into the later ends of the game, the losses are not so much, creepers hurt less, you have back up armor somewhere, I mean wooden doors are even Zombie Proof, and if you are a higher tier donator, your perks are even better.

    I think this adds a good, dangerous aspect for all levels of play which is something you slowly lose as you progress in a mod pack as heavily inclusive as the FTB packs, and should be considered. People that dont bother with thaumcraft, probably still have nodes near them, clear them out, ask a neighbor that does thaumcraft to remove it, etc. It adds more avenues to the game, DANGER should never be a major concern. If you want to play safe, and able to revert your mistakes, host a single player game.

    I did not know this even existed and I am highly intrigued to see it activated.
    Guigui_ likes this.
  15. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    the crater doesn't always work, i've died to one on crackpack that was over water .-.
  16. madzdz

    madzdz Member

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    Thank You everyone for Your opinions, i would like to pinpoint what Krupterz mentioned, while hungry node will receive aspect of gravity damage and item devouring, there are some other nasty nodes:

    • Dark node, also called Sinister - these nodes cause small area arround them to change biome to Eerie Biome (most likely harmless) and spawn Big angry zombies, that aren't that hard to kill even for new player.
    • Tainted Nodes These already exists, and we all know what they do - they are opposite of pure nodes, and create taint, however on Hard mode, they can infect other nodes that are too close, and in fact make them tainted as well. since nobody put tainted node in his base, i wouldnt call that issue.

    Also i would like to correct Krupterz about node Bullying - this feature was introduced in thaumcraft, and Monster runs on 4.1.0g, and it is independent of hard mode config, so we are far from being affected.

    Some peoples argue that tainted node is so powerfull that it overpower even most advanced players, i have to disagree - Movie posted few post ago clearly shows that You can in fact play hugs with hungry node safely.

    Best regards, Madzdz
  17. MBacon15

    MBacon15 Lastation Grunt

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    Personally I'd love this feature activated on the server. People die to taint swarms, jet engines, deep dark all of the times. I don't see why hungry nodes would have to be so different. The possibility to open up new, fun ways to charge something as simple as a wand seems fit with the "massive build pack" theme of FTB Monster. For those who already have hungry nodes in their bases and are afraid of losing their bases to one, theres always the option to destroy it. If they don't destroy, or move the node it'd be as much their fault as it would be for them to right click a bound pickaxe inside of their bases.
  18. krupterz

    krupterz Local jerkface

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    It activates more than just the hungry nodes ability to hoover up stuff off the ground and hurt things.
  19. madzdz

    madzdz Member

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    As for me mr. Krupterz distorts the facts - i already listed every possible change made by this config option, and still he act like a kid who is just about to watch how hungry node devour his whole home.

    When You tell BS. You better post some proofs, changelogs, wiki quotes or other sources, else i will be suprised if ANYBODY will take You seriously.
  20. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    *still points out the guy who can't handle a mob from his grinder apparently can handle a hungry node while i still have trouble and have a huge experience in destroying them*
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