Done Zombie Villager Disappearing.

Discussion in 'Sky Factory 3' started by BluNt3D, Feb 14, 2017.

  1. BluNt3D

    BluNt3D Active Member

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    Local Time:
    11:16 AM
    Don't know if this is intentional but Zombie Villagers are disappearing after a few sec/min when being cured. Tried 3 times and all 3 of them disappeared during the process of curing. Also all 3 times I stood in front/near them and made sure they aren't taking any damage. I tested this in single player and the conversion worked fine.
  2. ben_mkiv

    ben_mkiv Well-Known Member

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    1:16 AM
    It works also on the server. But i had the same Problem with my first tries.

    Get sure to kill all Mobs at your base, because i think the curing spawns a new Entity which, if the moblimit is reached, wont spawn.
  3. BluNt3D

    BluNt3D Active Member

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    11:16 AM
    Pretty sure there weren't any other mobs at my island when I started curing the zombie, guess I will try few more times
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2017
  4. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    12:16 AM
    If you're still having issues then use an angel block to make a small platform a few chunks away from the rest of your island so there can't possibly be other mobs nearby and then try it.

    You could even try using a name tag on the zombie as that should flag it so that it can't despawn.
  5. Broklyn_Datroll

    Broklyn_Datroll Well-Known Member

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    5:16 PM
    Name Tag will not save a mob from despawning, sadly. Our Mob Limit Plugin is pretty direct and brutal. 30 mobs max, in a 3x3 chunk grid, and the mobs in the first chunks to load live, any over the limit of 30 are gone, simple as that. Chaosblad3's suggestion is still perfectly valid, just make sure there are 3 CHUNKS between the villagers and any other mobs and you should have no despawning issues.
  6. ben_mkiv

    ben_mkiv Well-Known Member

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    1:16 AM
    i doubt that nametag will work if the villager spawns a new entity

    also get sure to make a spawner from your first villager, as you see they aren't easy to get...
  7. BluNt3D

    BluNt3D Active Member

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    Local Time:
    11:16 AM
    Ok just wondering can zombie powered spawners from EnderIO spawn zombie villagers?[DOUBLEPOST=1487170520,1487089179][/DOUBLEPOST]Ok tried again and it managed to convert successfully (had to fly really far from the base) , thanks for the helps.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2017

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