PO2 unban dark matter pedistal or Imaginary Time Block

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Pairak, Feb 17, 2017.

  1. Pairak

    Pairak Well-Known Member

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    Atm in PO2 normal mode we have had allot of lagg and crashing, this is caused by imense amounts of sprinklers being used. The problem is that right now, sprinklers are the only viable way of crop growth avalible, expecially late game. The largest end game path in PO2 is avaritia, for this you need immense amounts of EMC, so the most viable way to get that is nether star farms with 10/10/10 crops. Since thoose needs the awakened drac under it means growth pulsars and lilypad of growth is out, this leaves mainly 2 ways to speed upp growth, 1: Stand there with a bunch of Harvest Goddess Bands, or 2: Use a crabton of sprinklers.
    I therefor wonder if activating either of the 2 objects in the title would be a better way of dealing with this. I do not know much about the dark matter pedistal, but from when ive played with the ITB before it caused some server lagg, but never anything as bad as what we got now.

    Just food for thought.
    deepcage and FutileExistence like this.
  2. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    Showing support for this. Would like to see this happen on PO2 Kappa aswell.

    As an alternative... Maybe unban the dark matter pedestals, not the timeblock. The pedestals can only be crafted if people unlock the Philosophers stone first. So that makes it pretty hard to start with. Then you could also set a hard limit on how many of them a player is allowed to use. Say max 4 or 8. So people can run a couple of decently sized farms, without breaking the server.

    If anyone is found going over the limit, you remove them as staff, or even warn/punish the player who didnt follow the max amount.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2017
  3. aD0UBLEj

    aD0UBLEj Well-Known Member

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    The imaginary time blocks were disabled at one point because of too much lag I believe.
    Kazeodori likes this.
  4. Pairak

    Pairak Well-Known Member

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    Maybe change recipe for the time blocks if re-added and remove their emc value? Make them need Neutronoium blocks or something so one can limmit their use to end game farms?
  5. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    That totally defeats their purpose then. Once you get to neutronium, you dont need farms anymore.
  6. Pairak

    Pairak Well-Known Member

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    Have you even seen how much stuff you need to make the infinity ingots? Neutrinium are the easy part.
  7. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    Im currently @ endgame PO2. I made infinity ingots on Kappa server. i know how much you need, but i still dont need farms anymore. Once you reach that point, farms are pretty much obsolete unless you are doing something very wrong.
  8. Pairak

    Pairak Well-Known Member

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    Then im curious how your doing the singularities.
  9. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    we are going off topic. thats not what this thread was made for i think. Feel free to come over and see the setup on PO2 Kappa.

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