Done Can we please have the Teru Teru Bozu added back?

Discussion in 'Infinity Skyblock' started by Trick_, Feb 18, 2017.

  1. Trick_

    Trick_ Well-Known Member

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    12:44 AM
    It was suddenly banned last night. I built my base around solar, knowing this block was available, and I'm currently working bees. Sometimes it will rain all day and then it's night. My power gets very low when this happens and I can't progress with bees at all. Teru Teru Bozu is very low grade weather control. All it does it let the sun shine for a few minutes. The rain usually comes back quickly. If there is another player online who needs rain, they can simply ask that no one stop the rain for a bit, as I did when I was a new player on the server. We can all be happy. : )
  2. komorebi

    komorebi Well-Known Member

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    2:44 PM
    too much rain for bees in infinity skyblock :arghh:
  3. tri_shadow

    tri_shadow Well-Known Member

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    I agree with Trick_, the teru teru bozu definitely helps me too considering my power was built around Solar as well. The item is not listed in /banneditems for any specific reason other than weather control so unless there is a bigger reason behind that, I believe the item should not be disabled for any reason.
  4. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    you were saying there is no reason to not allow it?
  5. tri_shadow

    tri_shadow Well-Known Member

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    As Trick_ said, it stops rain for a couple minutes and comes back very quickly.
  6. Ash00182

    Ash00182 Well-Known Member

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    Easily automated though, so it wont be a couple of minutes, it will be indefinitely.
    ProperChilli likes this.
  7. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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  8. Trick_

    Trick_ Well-Known Member

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    But is it necessary to get hypermad? This happened to me when I first started out and I said "oh no, I need to collect the rain, can you please let it rain?" to which the person responded "oh sorry dude, I'll let it rain for you".

    Then I waited all of about 5 minutes and collected my rain.
  9. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    some guy is off with an offline chunk loader, with the auto rain clearer, now you can't get any water, and he's offline, so you can't stop it
  10. Trick_

    Trick_ Well-Known Member

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    You are solving a problem that isn't happening.

    The problem on the server is too much rain, and the sudden change in the rules after we have designed our bases, not automation of teru tera bozu. No one is doing that.[DOUBLEPOST=1487436812][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Again, you are solving a problem that isn't happening on our server.
  11. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    hmmm.... How often is it raining? stay on for one go and tell me the number of times it rained and its length please
    And if someone DOES?
  12. tri_shadow

    tri_shadow Well-Known Member

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    How long is one go?
  13. Trick_

    Trick_ Well-Known Member

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    make automating it against the rules

    Chugga, you are player not found on our server. And I've noticed you are in a lot of threads taking the contrarian position.

    It makes sense to have the rules work well for those who actually play on the server.[DOUBLEPOST=1487439691,1487437116][/DOUBLEPOST]So it just rained for 2 minecraft days. Drained 90 percent of my power, 300 Mil RF. Several others online also lost significant amounts of stored power. It's disheartening, especially after I spent about 3 weeks relocating my entire base from the other server that closed. I want to progress in the game, not retool my base again.

    Also I suffer from depression and play minecraft for enjoyment and a break from my significant sadness and stresses. The constant rain affects my mood. (please don't respond to this point, it doesn't need to be countered or rebutted. It's just the truth for me)

    I promise I'll never prevent anyone who wants from having as much rain as they need. I've also never seen anyone else do that on this server.

    Please, can we have our smiling teru teru bozu back?
    tri_shadow and SanndyTheManndy like this.
  14. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    I very much was, and if you are so reliant on solar power as to REQUIRE THEM ON AT ALL TIMES you need to get different methods of producing power, end of story, you should not be able to make it unplayable for anyone else because you are just lazy at making different power sources

    THAT is an issue, thank you, @chaosblad3 did that rain timer thing ever actually get implemented and work?
  15. Mouro

    Mouro Well-Known Member

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    It was disabled in the first place thinking on SkyBlock Packs.
    When you are starting on a SkyBlock pack, water is a needed.
    On some packs thats the only way to progress.
  16. Trick_

    Trick_ Well-Known Member

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    I'm not at all lazy. I don't require them on at all times, but a way to limit the amount of rain as it is often excessive. I made decisions about my design of my base from the available blocks. I see sensitivity is not your strong suit, but maybe you could give it a shot...
  17. Ash00182

    Ash00182 Well-Known Member

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    I remember this being a thing in the past, MyM had a server-side plugin that handled the rain. Not sure if it is still a thing. Should help with thing issue if implemented again.

    Related to this, you can install optifine and disable rain effects.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2017
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  18. Kazeodori

    Kazeodori Well-Known Member

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    I happen to like the teru teru bozu. But when some one automates it to be rain free all the time, then it becomes abuse. And when some one abuses an item to the point where they can't get water in their barrels, or a vampire can't go out in the day, it can hurt other players' gameplay. And when something affects gameplay for every one, we have to step in.
    ProperChilli likes this.
  19. tri_shadow

    tri_shadow Well-Known Member

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    Would it be possible to prevent the teru teru bozu from being placed next to anything needed to automate it?
  20. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    We came to an agreement among staff members on banning the Teru Teru Bozu. We do not like people manipulating the weather. This affects other people's gameplay and can cause them to die in cases. If someone is a Werewolf for example, and the person thinks it is safe for a bit since it is raining then out of nowhere it stops, it could very well cause them to die. A lot of other game mechanics could revolve around needing weather which is why we decided to ban it. We thought of better ways then outright banning the flower but there really isn't a better alternative. We can't chance the other 50% of people to not abuse it. Sadly, it doesn't look likely that we will unban it.
    Broklyn_Datroll and ProperChilli like this.

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