Done Can we please have the Teru Teru Bozu added back?

Discussion in 'Infinity Skyblock' started by Trick_, Feb 18, 2017.

  1. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    Local Time:
    6:09 PM
    rain doesn't mean anything for them ;) vampire though... but yhea, its abuses make it much less worth it than to keep it
  2. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    Local Time:
    4:09 PM
    Whoops, Wrong one. ;)
  3. Trick_

    Trick_ Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    5:09 PM
    Thanks, Aidoneus, for your explanation. That is sad. I don't think we have many people running around as vampires on skyblock. On the other hand, we just had a second pair of minecraft days of daytime rain, which caused nearly my entire energy supply to run out - 300 MIL RF - and two minecraft days of no progress on bees, because you can't progress to rain tolerant productive bees while they are unable to actually breed and work. It is especially unfortunate that staff came to this decision during my mid-game, after I had to relocate my entire base because my server was shut down, after planning much of my game and base design around having access to the block. I accept your decision, because I work hard to be a positive force in any community I participate in, but I do ask you to consider that there is entirely too much rain on the infinity sky block server. We really shouldn't be going multiple minecraft days without seeing the sun.[DOUBLEPOST=1487487932][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Thanks Ash. It really sucks that I have to even worry about this kind of thing. But virtual sunshine is sometimes all I can get. I just have a feeling that it's the kind of thing that you can understand if you've been there. Which means I hope none of you understand.[DOUBLEPOST=1487488339,1487487631][/DOUBLEPOST]
    So this happened on another server and you are solving it by applying the solution to all servers in the network?
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2017
  4. Ash00182

    Ash00182 Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    10:09 PM
    Normally when something is banned on one server it is then banned network wide.

    Also there is a solution to this by using a plugin to minimize the rain.
  5. Trick_

    Trick_ Well-Known Member

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    5:09 PM
    I don't know if a change was made, or if it's just a lucky thing, but today is much better.
  6. komorebi

    komorebi Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    7:09 AM
    we can get infinite water from water source block with water bottle at early game. so I dont know why it need much raining
  7. TomboyEnthusiast

    TomboyEnthusiast Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    6:09 PM
    The rain is used on some modpacks such as Skyblock Modpacks to gateway into getting your own infinite source. The water is also needed for Clay, which on some packs, leads to getting Lava for your Only source of cobble (With the exception of PO2), which is needed to make glass bottles for that method. On other packs it may be needed to prevent you from dying while being a Vampire. In the end, there are ways of disabling rain client side as stated above (using optifine.)

    I understand the frustration of running out of power because the sun wasn't out. The only way around this, that I know of, is to not use solar power. As stated above, there are client-side ways of disabling rain.
  8. Trick_

    Trick_ Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    5:09 PM
    As previously stated, I made my decision to develop a solar-powered base by looking at many options, including the availability of certain blocks. The sudden removal of them mid-game is a large part of my frustration. That said, the situation seems improved today.

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