Base Ideas

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by HomesliceMain, Feb 20, 2017.

  1. HomesliceMain

    HomesliceMain Well-Known Member

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    I am play Ferret Business and I'm trying to come up with a base design. I am a noob at building good looking bases so I need some help with coming up with ideas for it. All help is appreciated.
  2. MoltairTremox

    MoltairTremox Well-Known Member

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    Well you may be a little more specific as you didn't specify what you are looking for, are you looking for functionality? or are you looking for good looking block combinations to use in your base?
  3. HomesliceMain

    HomesliceMain Well-Known Member

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    I'm looking for like an open design. Like a place to put all my machines. And I would like to keep my base in 51 by 51 claim.
  4. MoltairTremox

    MoltairTremox Well-Known Member

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    you can do a 3 floor base, with energy production and water collection and stuff in the lowest floor to connect them to the machines in the middle floor, like, a single energy line to connect all machines and another liquid line in the second floor, and you have 2 different options, either making 2 floor with the top one having machines and storage, wich you are going to spend most of the time, or you can do a middle floor with machines and the top one with storage and simpler machines wich you are going to spend most of the time (the middle floor will have machines, but automated ones, and the top floor will have some of those machines but used manually to do simple crafting.)
  5. HomesliceMain

    HomesliceMain Well-Known Member

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    What blocks do you think I should use. I personally like marble and laboratory blocks
  6. MoltairTremox

    MoltairTremox Well-Known Member

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    i personally try to use blocks that not so many people uses, for example i see most of the people stone bricks, or chiseled cobble, and also laboratory blocks, the laboratory blocks is ok since it looks awesome and i like the sound of it when you walk over it, but i prefer more original blocks, like breeded trees from forestry, take a look at holly wood for example (if ferret has more trees installed you can get a lot of different woods and also combine them to have different patterns with the wood worker) if ferret doesnt have more trees installed you can use the other ones that comes in the vanilla forestry, papaya wood looks fantastic, for glass and such you may use the chiseled dyed glass (black chiseled glass + marimorphosis blocks from botania looks awesome too) you may use the different types of blocks from botania, when you throw stone in a mana pool with alchemy catalyst like marble, diorite, i personally love botanias basalts + cyan chiseled glass, you may use the different colors from the marimorphosis which is the flower that converts stone to other type of color blocks, like taiga metamorphic stone and stuff....... you will have a lot of fun gathering the materials to build and also using them to decorate your house..... if you are in end game botania you may use the blocks of the rod of bifrost {combinig living rock or alfglass with the rod of bifrost in a crafting grid} and so much more, just let me know... pro tip, all of these blocks can be used with the carpenter's blocks , they look awesome.
  7. HomesliceMain

    HomesliceMain Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for the help. I appreciate it very much. I will definitely message you if I need help

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