Addition to Endgame Item List on Infinity Normal

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by ProperChilli, Feb 15, 2017.

  1. ProperChilli

    ProperChilli Retired Staff

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    6:06 AM
    Hello all,

    I have a suggestion to add to the Endgame List.

    Ok, so since Bedrockium is on the Endgame list on Infinity Normal, i would like to make the suggestion that we also make "Octuple Compressed Cobblestone" or any compressed cobble above "tripple" in general endgame, as you smelt the Octuple to get a block of Bedrockium.

    I also have another suggestion, that we also make the "Resurrection Stone" Endgame too, as you Resurect the dragon to get a Dragon heart, which can then be turned into Awakened Draconium Blocks.

    Thank you for reading this, Feedback is appreciated :D

    Kind Regards
    LunaBlossoms likes this.
  2. LunaBlossoms

    LunaBlossoms Well-Known Member

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    I'd love the idea for the compressed cobblestone to be part of the endgame list. It's always been such a grey area and I've hated that because of the same reasons you listed.
    ProperChilli likes this.
  3. oOcanadianOo

    oOcanadianOo Well-Known Member

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    I don't understand the servers obsession with so called end game items, if a player chooses to buy or sell these said items what does it matter to other players? Are you playing for them or for yourself ? FTB should be choose your own adventure not a dictatorship that tells you who and what you can sell to other players, that's my opinion.

    Just like shop items its the players choice if he/she decides he/she wants to take the easy route or the hard route, this should not be of your concern that persons personal play style.

    There is no endgame in my personal opinion, the end is when you decide to end it. Sorry to say but a piece of cobble/bedrock isn't going to end your game nor is any other set items in these end game lists.

    Telling grown players how to play and how to trade is ridiculous to say the least and before you know it the only thing people can trade is Apples.

    With all these regulations I'm not sure if you're the Government or a game server. o_O

    Last edited: Feb 20, 2017
  4. caithleen

    caithleen Patron Tier 1

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    7:06 AM

    Well theres those guys that get fulfillment by playing games with godmode trainers...
  5. oOcanadianOo

    oOcanadianOo Well-Known Member

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    Who are we to Judge how people play? Some like to play the hard way some like the easy way, most important part is that their playing and enjoying themselves. Life itself IRL has enough regulations as an adult, don't need the only place most of us go to escape that to be just the same allow people to make choices for themselves and stop the dictatorship and regulation.
  6. caithleen

    caithleen Patron Tier 1

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    Who are YOU to question the rules this network uses? But yeah, calling it "dictatorship" really disqualifies you from a constructive discussion about this. When you would know what it means to live in a dictatorship, you wouldn't use that word so easily on a gameserver's rules...

    You are free to opt out of those "regulations" by choosing to play singleplayer ... no one is forcing you to enjoy this free service.

    I dont agree to all rules too, but I accept them. Or I provide CONSTRUCTIVE critic. Simple as that.
    Broklyn_Datroll likes this.
  7. oOcanadianOo

    oOcanadianOo Well-Known Member

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    This is an opinion thread, as such I'm entitled to that opinion should you agree or not, but thank you for your input even if it's not something I agree with.

    FYI I spent plenty of money on this server already so it was free to join but I helped support this server and should have an opinion just like yourself :) The only way change occurs in life is when you make suggestions or criticism against something you feel is wrong or right.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2017
  8. ContinuedAsh

    ContinuedAsh Just a boring person.

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    Compressed cobblestone is literally just cobblestone. someone could go put a dsu with enough cobble to make bedrockium on the market and that wouldn't be considered endgame. So your basically saying cobblestone is endgame which makes no sense.
    oOcanadianOo likes this.
  9. ProperChilli

    ProperChilli Retired Staff

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    6:06 AM
    Over the past few days, ive noticed people selling a lot of Octuple Compressed, which you then smelt to get a block of Bedrockium, which is endgame. threfore getting bedrockium early game if you can get it for a good price on the market. Yes people will probably sell them privately, but we cant do nothing about that. which can be used for getting unbreakable Tinkers tools, and for early game that will be a big boost..
  10. oOcanadianOo

    oOcanadianOo Well-Known Member

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    2:06 AM
    Please explain to me how that effects your personal game play ?
    ContinuedAsh likes this.
  11. LunaBlossoms

    LunaBlossoms Well-Known Member

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    Look. We have set the end game rules over servers for years now. They're not to create some sort of "dictatorship" or whatever else you've called us.They're there to in simple words protect the economy and possibly players from either buying duped items, items that would make you speed ahead, or something they haven't even started or have the materials for.

    They're not in any way to impede your personal game play. We won't stop people from trying to trade items, that are on the said list, privately if they so choose to do. However, they are to stay off the market and global in game chat.

    To be frankly honest you didn't give any opinion here that is at all one that contributes to the post talking about addition of the item to the end game list but rather gave us opinions of what you think about the list in general... which is not the discussion that is to be had on this post. What should be discussed is whether or not the addition of those items to the list is a good idea. And having people basically selling an item which you only have to smelt down to get an item that is on the End-Game list should be heavily considered being placed on that list.

    You went quite off topic and not to mention comparing a network to a dictatorship which after reading (personally) cannot myself take you seriously as you're placing very real and heavy words that mean a lot to some people on a server that hosts a game! And to quote what was said quite well beforehand:
    All in all, I suggest to discuss the topic at hand rather a completely different topic which you had conjured from thin air.
  12. oOcanadianOo

    oOcanadianOo Well-Known Member

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    2:06 AM
    Thank you for your input but my opinion is my opinion and that's how I feel about the situation personally it doesn't matter to me if you accept or decline what I have to say as personal opinions were asked for in this thread. While some may find my comparisons offensive it's usually only those that take it out of context that would find that offensive. With that being said the end of my opinion stops here as I have clearly already given my opinion on this matter.

    Have a wonderful evening.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2017

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