Ban Colossal Chests SF3 (Huge Lag issues)

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by JamesHowell, Feb 21, 2017.


Ban the chests?

  1. Do it already!

  2. No, Because I understand the Issue but disagree.

  3. No, Because I use them.

  1. JamesHowell

    JamesHowell Well-Known Member

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    9:26 PM
    TL;DR Colossal Chests create a huge amount of lag on their own and people are connecting them to Refined Storage external storage busses becasue they're cheap to get a lot of storage. Long story short this creates a HUGE TPS drops. As notable when certain players connect to the server the TPS tanks from like 14-17 to >10 constantly.
  2. JamesHowell

    JamesHowell Well-Known Member

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    Theese screenshots were taken about 5 mins between each other after some players I know use the system had joined from crashing the server by crafting too much in refined storage with a colossal chest attached (Another known crash bug)
  3. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    When a player connects tps dropping is normal, huge numbers of chunks get loaded every time someone connects
  4. JamesHowell

    JamesHowell Well-Known Member

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    But the TPS then stays sub 10 after specific player join, when newer players join the server is totally fine.
  5. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    because bases be laggy and those players are more likely to stay at their base
  6. JamesHowell

    JamesHowell Well-Known Member

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    Some end game players have no effect on the TPS but some "bases be laggy" because of colossal
  7. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    I highly doubt that, almost every end game base has a very noticeable effect on tps, exceptions go to people like @caithleen who actually tries to minimize such lag
    snakeworm11 and caithleen like this.
  8. snakeworm11

    snakeworm11 Guest

    The main reason colossal chests in endgame bases cause lag is because people seem to like going too big. I have a simple 3x3x3 diamond colossal and it is PLENTY of storage, but nope, people must have a chest so big that they will never even use half of it's storage capacity. before people tell me "But people automate a lot of things and make large ammounts of items", for one, there is blocks LITERALLY made for storing a large amount of single items, and 2, you can tone down the automation of materials you dont need that much of. That's my 2 cents on the situation, but staff ultimately get the final say on this.
    Broklyn_Datroll likes this.
  9. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    I was on yesterday while 20+ people where online, at least 5 of which I know are at endgame with plenty of processing going on and the tps was stable at 19-20 for nearly an hour, then later that same day with different people online and only 12~15 people online total and the tps was consistently less than 12.

    You can't tell me that doesn't imply a causal link there, something at some of those people's bases (that presumably the endgame people who were on when the tps was at 20 don't have) has to be the cause, and so far collosal chests is the most plausible explanation put forward, so unless anyone can present evidence to the contrary, and shift the blame onto something else then I would have to agree with OP that disabling collosal chests is at least worth a try.

    Obv i would suggest there would need to be a warning in chat every 15 mins or something for at least a week prior to give people chance to move their stuff into other forms of storage before they could be disabled.
  10. darkbio99

    darkbio99 Well-Known Member

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    Anecdotal evidence isn't real a good way to show proof, why doesn't someone in favor of the ban craft one of these systems and get a before and after comparison of the server TPS so everyone can see whether the effect is as drastic as you claim?
  11. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    There is no way for one person to conclusively test that on a live server while other players are coming and going and doing whatever they are doing as there are just too many variables involved... say I did make a massive colossal chest and fill it with loads of stuff, who's to say that any drop in tps is caused solely by my chest and not another player coming online in the mean time, likewise say that there was another player with something causing lag at their base online when I took the "before tps", what if when I take the "after tps" once I'd made the colossal chest, that other player had logged off causing any drop in tps that my chest would have caused to be masked by the tps bump from them logging off.

    The only way to prove whether the colossal chests are to blame for the bad tps would be to force everybody to stop using them and see if the tps is suddenly more consistently good.. if the tps is still bad after that then they could be re-enabled again and people could start using them again, and then having ruled that out we could start investigating other possibilities.

    The fact is that SOMETHING is DEFINITELY causing the tps to tank and certain times of day when certain people (or groups of people) are online, so like I said before, unless someone can suggest a more plausible reason for the massive tps drains, then colossal chests is the best suspect we currently have.
    ben_mkiv likes this.
  12. darkbio99

    darkbio99 Well-Known Member

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    I'd like to respectfully disagree with your first point. The testing method could be done over a period of time and just rerun until you get conclusive data without another player joining. However, in support of this thread at the moment is this github commit

    Huge TPS hit with External Storage on Colossal Chests · Issue #325 · raoulvdberge/refinedstorage · GitHub

    Refined storage acknowledges the issue, where it isn't infact the chest's fault, but infact is the External storage bus. According the RefinedStorage Dev, this is fixed in a later version. However seeing as this is a known issue with busses perhaps they should consider banning them until the pack updates to a future version of Refined storage, because this will effect any large inventory item connected with a bus on this version.
  13. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    Chaos, do you remember monster east? Remember how I could be on and the tps would be 20 anyways? It's similar levels of evidence, we need to have someone go in and profile the server for 2-3 hours to see the cause, not just speculate the causes off of one guy
  14. darkbio99

    darkbio99 Well-Known Member

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    Hey could you look at the Github link I posted? They were partially right, but the issue wasn't actually colossal chests. It's the RefinedStorage export bus.
  15. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    Thank you, you did my work for me, I suspected something was wrong other than the chests, and yhea, that makes the most sense, guys, don't jump to conclusions you know, that's a bad thing
    darkbio99 likes this.
  16. ben_mkiv

    ben_mkiv Well-Known Member

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    The thing with RS and the external storage is that, from what i know, it syncs every slot of the cheast with each update for the external storage bus...

    Also they didn't start to rewrite the colossal chest code just for fun...
  17. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    For the record I never said that the chest was exclusively the cause, yes the storage bus being used WITH the colossal chests is the main issue, but my point is the refined storage buses CAN be used with sensible setups without issues, and if the choice is between banning just colossal chests which by design promotes needlessly excessive amounts of storage and for which there are plenty of more sensible alternatives, and having to ban the refined storage buses I think banning the chest is the objectively better choice.
  18. ben_mkiv

    ben_mkiv Well-Known Member

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    a lot of those lag spikes probably come from refined storage (RS) crafting.

    Just place a RS, put in like 10k Dirt, put the compressed dirt recipe in the crafting grid and craft tons of stacks from it by shift clicking.. the server tps will 100% go down from 20 to almost 0 within 5 seconds.

    Thats obviously a bottleneck/bug, AE2 is able to handle that without any performance impact on the server
    chugga_fan likes this.
  19. VILIUS3456

    VILIUS3456 Well-Known Member

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    Oh lol, i was crafting 100k stone one day xD
  20. JamesHowell

    JamesHowell Well-Known Member

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    The OP Thread defined the problem was with colossal and RS together.

    Yeah, when I had my old system if I crafted too much from items inside a colossal chest it would completely crash the server and cause a roll back.

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