Done ProtectEx not letting me use items in our own claim

Discussion in 'Infinity' started by Rhazia, Feb 22, 2017.

  1. Rhazia

    Rhazia Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    4:39 AM
    Hello. Looking for help and some advice. My bf and I just got into node 6 of infinity. We made a base nearby someone else's claim (but that person's claim doesnt have anything on it, or at least on the surface so we didnt know at first). Our distance is around 13 blocks away. But we just now found out we cannot use things like crescent hammer because ProtectEx says we're too close to a protection (in our own protection/claim) and automatically moves the item to another slot.

    minecraft. We wanted to speak to the owner of the claim nearby but we don't catch him online (if he ever goes online). Could there be a way to get around this? Thanks for taking the time to read this.
  2. golemofstone

    golemofstone Well-Known Member

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    8:39 PM
    Hi, if you can get the owners name you could use the /mail send [playername] command to ask the plot owner if he could maybe downscale his plot (unlikely but might be worth a shot), I also notice that in your post you say you're only 13 blocks away? do you mean chunks? If it IS blocks I'd suggest if you are early game, maybe moving your base to a location further away for the other base, i notice that IN6 always seems a lot busier than IN5 (where i play) so there might be a space issues on that server ??

    If all else fails maybe make a ticket in game as well :)
    Rhazia likes this.
  3. Rhazia

    Rhazia Well-Known Member

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    If only we had known there was such a thing. We will try to see if we can find that owner. Thinking about moving out and building from scratch... feels like a pain. Thanks for the info, by the way!
  4. golemofstone

    golemofstone Well-Known Member

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    8:39 PM
    No problem, you might find that moving is your best option though sadly :/
  5. LunaBlossoms

    LunaBlossoms Well-Known Member

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    I suggest taking out a vanilla stick and clicking around to see where nearby claims are. You can also see who the claim is by and how long they've been gone. Keep in mind if someone is gone for 13d+ their claim will go into a reset and regen the claimed area at the 14d mark. Because of this we ask players to stay at least three chunks away as when someones claim resets it resets the chunks surround and within the claim. So if you have any items in a chunk where the other persons claim is I suggest to move them elsewhere.

    Hope you can resolve this issue :)
    Best wishes and happy gaming!
    Rhazia likes this.
  6. ben_mkiv

    ben_mkiv Well-Known Member

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    9:39 PM
    sometimes the reset fails, so click with the stick in the claim of the unknown person, that shows the name.

    then you can check with /seen playername when the player was last online, if it was more than 14days ago you can submit a ticket and ask to remove the claim. (worst case is that the player set absence and you have to wait 4 weeks)
    Rhazia likes this.

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