I places a few sneaky false blocks from dark utils in my base to enter one of my mob spawner rooms, I painted (right clicked) it with a piece of Fused Quartz and instantly crashed. The last 3 login attempts instantly crashed upon loading my base with the error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot get property PropertyEnum{name=kind, clazz=class crazypants.enderio.material.fusedQuartz.FusedQuartzType, values=[FUSED_QUARTZ, FUSED_GLASS, ENLIGHTENED_FUSED_QUARTZ, ENLIGHTENED_FUSED_GLASS, DARK_FUSED_QUARTZ, DARK_FUSED_GLASS]} as it does not exist in ExtendedBlockState{block=darkutils:sneaky_ghost, properties=[]} attached is one of the crash reports.
Some googling tells me this is an issue that has been around for awhile (mod conflict · Issue #4013 · SleepyTrousers/EnderIO · GitHub and is not fixed yet, any chance an admin could just delete the sneaky false blocks in my base? (note: if you fly to my base and look at them before deleting them you will probably crash your client)