What power source do you use one Infinity Evolved?

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by mutedcurmudgeon, Feb 26, 2017.

  1. mutedcurmudgeon

    mutedcurmudgeon Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    7:18 PM
    Hello everyone,
    Recently I've worked on rebuild my reactor to incorporate a turbine. Its been pretty frustrating, I was thinking it might be help myself, as well as new players to possibly have a thread dedicated to different power sources on the network. Some place where people can look to find their next Big Reactor, or maybe a great way to automate x64 solar panels. Doesn't matter what it is, just a great place to come and see some ideas at work, and possibly help others by recommending reactor designs or anything else.

    So, does anyone have anything they want to share?
  2. smolki14

    smolki14 Active Member

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    Local Time:
    1:18 AM
    magmatic dynamo + infinite lava ;)
  3. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    12:18 AM
    I haven't played IE in months so my base is long gone now, but this is what I did that time around:

    Step 1. make a wither skelly spawner using whatever method you prefer
    Step 2. make a tcon cleaver with as many beheading modifiers as possible and put it in autonomous activator and use it to kill them for the wither skulls
    Step 3. gather lots of soulsand (or if you're into botania you can legitimately dupe it by dropping some into a mana pool over a conjuration catalyst)
    Step 4. make a draconic mob grinder and a draconic portal frame and dislocator (or if mystcraft crystals are still on the /market you could use those instead if you know how to set it up right)
    Step 5. go to the nether and build a spawning chamber with the portal below it and use a series of block placers to build and spawn the withers
    Step 6. build a killing chamber out of witherproof blocks with the DE grinder aimed at it and a vac hopper positioned safely so it can collect drops without been blown up (a item transfer node with world interaction upgrades was what I used as that works through blocks)
    Step 7. link the portal frame to a point inside the second chamber
    Step 8. chunkload it all and make it fully automated
    Step 9. use the endless supply of netherstars you now have to fuel a 64x netherstar generator or 4 ;)
  4. I think I used railcraft steam gens with the industrial generators for power, just kept scaling it up ;P
    You can also use IE thermoelectric gens, but you'll need alot of them. I once saw the huge battery of thermo gens used by Booker to power up his town on node 4. gelic cryo with blazing pyro is good, but blutonium works best
  5. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    8:18 PM
    I use culinary generators because I have a love affair with Agricraft
  6. Ash00182

    Ash00182 Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    12:18 AM
    x64 Nether star gen :D

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