Done Creeper Glitch

Discussion in 'B-Team' started by MrDucx, Mar 3, 2017.

  1. MrDucx

    MrDucx Well-Known Member

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    2:18 AM
    So I have been dying a bit from creepers. But recently a creeper exploded me and killed me. When I got back to the spot where I died nothing was there. No grave or items. I figured out that it happened because I died before the creeper exploded. It was a glitch from the game itself. So I'll explain the whole glitch. You die 1 tick before the explosion and all entities near will get exploded like normal. But now I am confused. A double explosion?!
    Somehow it exploded my grave and items. I don't really get it at all. I have a list of things that may be able to be recovered.
    Items: Portaspawner, 2 enderium ingots, 2 stacks of iron, Obsidian Hammer, Obsidian Excavator,Bronze Longsword, 12 (OpenBlocks) tanks, 2 XP Showers, 37 ferrous ore, 43 copper ore, 50 raw beef, 34 fried rice,1 stack and 34 diamonds, and my Exo-Armor. If you can do anything about this that would be great! :D
  2. TomboyEnthusiast

    TomboyEnthusiast Well-Known Member

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    Hey there.
    Due to our No Refunds policy, we cannot refund the lost items. As for the glitch, Have you tested it in single player at all? Can you reproduce the issue? Please get back to us as soon as possible. Thanks!
  3. MrDucx

    MrDucx Well-Known Member

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    2:18 AM
    Well I am done for a while....

    No Refunds = Mean
  4. TomboyEnthusiast

    TomboyEnthusiast Well-Known Member

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    3:18 AM
    Sorry to hear that, but have you tested it at all? We cannot do much unless the issue can be reproduced.
  5. MrDucx

    MrDucx Well-Known Member

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    2:18 AM
    Okay I will try it out
  6. LunaBlossoms

    LunaBlossoms Well-Known Member

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    Hello MrDucx,

    As for not being able to refund your items. Please try to understand that the modded minecraft environment is not perfect and many times bugs, or glitches, or even random out of no where nor repeatable events happen. Along with it being a multiplayer environment, staff would be flooded with hundreds of tickets asking for refunds if we allowed them. This would then not allow us to focus on more important things such as making sure the servers are running properly, or that the tps is low, griefers/thieves are punished, etc. I understand that loosing items is an unfortunate thing but I believe you can easily replace items you've lost. Either with a little bit of work or asking help from the community on the server you're playing. Especially since most of the items you've listed were ores; well, B-team has a much higher rate of ore generation, therefore, getting all that ore back would not be too hard of a task. Also, asking around for help isn't bad, and you never know how generous someone could be. I hope looking at your situation in a different way will allow you to be able to get back to enjoying playing on the server :)

    As for your issue: Has this happened to you only the one time, or has this been an issue multiple times? Was there any server issues at the time (such as server lag/low tps, or a server crash)? Was your internet stable at the time? Have you've been having fps issues?

    All these things could've been factors to making your grave either blow up or disappear/never spawn in.

    Please let us know if you have any more information.
    Thank you!
  7. MrDucx

    MrDucx Well-Known Member

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    2:18 AM
    Well okay I get it now.

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