Clarification on /absence

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by coolgi3000, Mar 7, 2017.

  1. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    12:06 PM
    I have a few questions about the /absence command and the innactive claim deletion system in general
    most of these questions would be best asked in the form of examples in which they would apply, so I will do that.

    I am active on server A and server B, I Place a global absence command on server A and then am away from both servers for 2.5 weeks (normally 2 would delete the claim) I then log onto server A thus deleting the absence command, but do not log on to server B so at this point in server B I have been away for more than 2 weeks (with no absence command anymore?). how long do I have before my base on server B is deleted from the moment I logged back onto server A?

    Same situation as scenario #1 but when I log off of server A I create a new global absence command how long do I have on server B now?

    I have not been on server A for 1.5 weeks but there is no absence command running, I then log onto server A and run the /absence command, then immediately log off, I was not on long enough for my ontime to update (by record of /stats me or /ontime me) do I now have 1.5 weeks now or 3? And did my ontime update after I left or did it stay un-updated because I was not online during its check, or did the act of running /absence force it to update?

    Last edited: Mar 7, 2017
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  2. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    Few server restarts.
    30 days except the server just started before you did run /absence which means your stuff was set for deletion.
    I don't understand that one but maybe this explains it: The plugin first checks your last seen, if it is 7+ days it will add a warning message for trusted players, if it is 14+ days it will check if there is a absence entry, if there is none it will set your stuff for deletion.
    Sometimes it updates directly and sometimes it takes a while. /absence doesn't update your last seen.
    coolgi3000 likes this.
  3. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Server A: last seen 1 week ago
    Server B: last seen 3 weeks ago
    Server C: last seen 5 weeks ago

    If absence is set:
    You would have lost your claim on Server C as it is +4 weeks

    If absence is not set:
    You would have lost your claim on Server B + C as it is +2 weeks

    If you set the absence on server B 3 weeks ago and logged into Server X:
    You would have lost your claim on Server B -> this is because the absence is global and with the login on Server X the global record was removed and the 2 week rule counts again.
  4. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    12:06 PM
    Only one other question now: how often does the claim deletion plugin check your ontime?
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2017
  5. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    On every server startup.
  6. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    12:06 PM
    Thank you both for the answers! I understand it much better now :)
  7. ben_mkiv

    ben_mkiv Well-Known Member

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    also some hint if you want to keep your base safe by relogging, check /stats me, theres one line which shows the last server you played on, stay on the server until the current server shows up, for me this allways ensured that the server recognized me online ;)

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