End Game Item list PO2 Update ?

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by LANT_7, Mar 8, 2017.

  1. LANT_7

    LANT_7 Well-Known Member

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    6:31 AM
    just An Idea of An updated Project Ozone 2 End-Game list As Some Players get Confused of What is And Whats not Feel Free to take anything out or add anything in or take some ideas and make one's
    Would be great updating the Endgame list As to many people are reaching this stage in a matter of days with help from others

    Im very late game So most of the items Are just opinion On how Long, Hard and the amount of Materials it took to make a specific item

    This list may be edited at any point.

    Any item that provides Creative flight Abilities

    list of mods and there End-Game items

    All Karat Carrot Seeds
    Nether Star Seeds

    Applied Energistics 2
    All Inscriber Press's

    Invisible Bedrock

    All items Within The Mod (Including Infinity Chest From AvaritiaAddons)

    Universal Singularities
    All Singularities

    Ring of Flight

    Temperio Essence/Block
    infinity Star
    All Demon Steel

    Umbergolem Statue/Parts
    Trantula/Antlion Eggs
    All Idols/Guardian
    Wand Of Animation
    Overlord Spawn Egg/Safari Net

    Eternal Singularity
    Eternal Singularitys

    Extra Cells 2
    ME 1024K Storage/Liquid And Above

    Magical Crops:Core
    Imperio And Zivico Armour/Tools/Ingots/Blocks/Furnace/Essence,
    All Magical Crops Seeds
    Strong/Extreme/Master Infusion Stones

    Open Modular Turrets
    tier 3 And higher Turrets/Parts

    BattleSuit Armour

    Simply Jetpacks
    Vibrant/Kinetic and Dark Soularium Jetpacks

    Thermal Singularities
    All Singularities (But Charcoal)

    Witherless Rose
    Rending Gale
    Phoenix Down

    Elven/Gaia Mana Spreaders
    Fabulous Mana Pool
    Gaia/Natura Pylon's
    Gaia Spirts
    Terrasteel/Elementium and Dragonstone Ingots/Blocks
    Corporea Index
    Pixie Dust
    All Terrasteel Armour/Tools
    Full Mana Tablet
    Ring Of Thor/Odin/Loki And the Aesir
    Key of the King's Law

    All Missile's/Grenade's And Rocket Launcher

    Draconic Evolution
    Energy Infuser
    Awakened Draconium Blocks
    Draconium Blocks/Charged Draconium Blocks
    Resurrection Stone
    Dragon Heart
    All Core's,
    All Draconic Armour/Tools
    All Wyvern Armour/Tools
    Both Charms of Dislocations
    Chaos Shards
    Draconic Reactor Core

    Ender IO
    750,000 RF/ 500,000,000 RF Capacitor Banks
    Sentient Ender,

    Tier 5 And Above Rockets/Schematics/Materials
    Tier 5 And Above Dungeon Keys

    Extra Utilities
    All x64 Generators
    All Angel Ring's
    Activated Division Sigil
    Unstable Ingots/Blocks/Nuggets

    Better Furnaces
    Extreme Furnace

    Galacticraft Core
    Advanced Solar Panel
    Filled Fuel Canisters
    Moon Buggy

    Atomic Disassembler
    Jetpack/Armoured Jetpack

    MineFactory Reloaded
    Pink Slime Crystal


    Energy Condenser/Energy Condenser MK2
    Red/Dark Matter Armour/Tools/Furnaces
    Transmutation Table/Tablet
    Philosopher's stone
    All Klein Stars
    Harvest Goddness Band
    Swiftwolf's Rending Gale
    Ring of Arcana
    Tome of knowledge
    (All Recipes That Involve The Philosopher's Stone)

    Redstone Arsenal
    Flux-Infused Armour

    Vibrantium Block/Ingot/Nugget

    Solar Flux
    Solar Panel VI And Above

    Tinkers Construct
    All infinity/Neutronium Tools/Parts
    Red/Yellow/Green Heart Canisters

    Thermal Expansion
    Creative Energy Cell
    All Resonant Items (Cells,Storagebox,Capacitor)

    Took me About 1 and half hours To write so any feedback is much appreciated
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2017
  2. bigbluu722

    bigbluu722 Well-Known Member

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    4:31 PM
    Not sure that these would really be end game as alloys are pretty easy to obtain once you get an alloy smelter/induction smeltery, but other than that, the list looks good.
    This is pretty easy to obtain as well as comets are quite common in the end, so not sure about that either.
  3. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    4:31 PM
    May as well just say "all items except coveylance dust" for the projectE section ;)
  4. LANT_7

    LANT_7 Well-Known Member

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    6:31 AM
    Thx for the feedback bigbluu made some changes
    And thx coolgi aswell but all the items I put on the list I believe to be late game or dam near helpful for late game as
    Red/Dark matter is worth a lot of emc and takes a Philosophers stone to craft witch requires vibrantium
    Energy Condensers are on there because I feel that if everyone started giving them out or had them it would make the pack a little faster for people to get end game and then get bored
    I put all the Klein stars mainly because if I just add the omega people can just give out normal Klein stars making it much easier to progress with the swiftwolf ring witch takes 2B Emc to make
    Transmutation tables and tablet is the same reason as energy condensers
    The harvest goodness band I can see not being late game as it's hard but still simple to make but for the sole purpose of people having to make watering cans or a sprinkler system first made me put it up there as the mod pack has got a lot of farming in it
    the tome of knowledge was added mainly because that item is a bugger to make and takes a lot of emc and with it unlocking all EMC recipes in the transmutation table it's a bit op[DOUBLEPOST=1488991951][/DOUBLEPOST]Another thing a few of the things on the list where added so people could not trade them to other people and speed up the progress of the pack making people spend more time thinking of ways to make a certain lategame item inconclustion hopefully more people will spend more time trying to progress by them self
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2017
  5. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    4:31 PM
    Look at It this way, litterally every item in projectE other than their 1 collectors, relays and coveylence dust require a philosophers stone to craft therefore if the philo stone is on the list then everything that you need it to craft should be too (aka everything but coveylance dust) and I believe that collectors and relays are disabled anyway ;)

    Rather than listing every item it would be much easier and cause less confusion to just say "everything but ..."
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2017
  6. LANT_7

    LANT_7 Well-Known Member

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    6:31 AM
    But There,s Items You Can Make With The Stone that are useless or only provide tiny progressions[DOUBLEPOST=1489016157][/DOUBLEPOST]I added a new line in ProjectE aswell
  7. Pseudonycat

    Pseudonycat Well-Known Member

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    2:31 PM
    Why only Tier 5 rockets? Maybe add all the tiered rockets.[DOUBLEPOST=1489091574,1489091358][/DOUBLEPOST]Btw iv'e been working on a really chiseled one for some weeks now ;)
  8. LANT_7

    LANT_7 Well-Known Member

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    6:31 AM
    The Only Reason I Said Upto Tier 5 is The Moon and tier 2-4 Planets dungeons get raided a lot meaning no one can get them and if someone wants to lend you a higher rocket that's why
  9. Pseudonycat

    Pseudonycat Well-Known Member

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    2:31 PM
    With the red heart canisters, they're super easy to get, portal guns are super common and don't really help towards anything, Botania relics from another person will kill you if you try to use them ;) that's my opinion so far.
  10. DrummerBoyNo

    DrummerBoyNo Well-Known Member

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    3:31 PM
    you say the avarita, "All items Within The Mod (Including Infinity Chest From AvaritiaAddons" mabe say picficly what it all is, some peopl do not realize what the end items are throught that mod, i even forget that what they are some times

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