There appears to be crafting issue When i tried to make a Machine Block for Tech Reborn it tells me to take 8 Iron Plates from IC2 and craft them in a square like IC2 Basic machine casing. When you put the plates into the crafting table and/or workbench ( I tried both) it shows as a Machine block for tech reborn, but when you take it from the crafting table to put it into your inventory it changes into a IC2 basic machine casing, this in return is a problem since you can't make some Tech Reborn items without it. Here is a short video demonstration. Gyazo - c3d94701305aa4aeb4b1edcb5ecc27b9.gif Update: After server crash and rollback now you can't even get the crafting recipe for Machine Block - Tech Reborn , currently showing as not able to craft. Another Update: Restarted game now showing as able to craft, but still same issue with not being able to make the Machine Block by Tech Reborn.
Pretty sure putting the IC2 casing into the crafting table will convert it back and forth between the two different ones. (Ignore me if I'm wrong). -V
i think theres a block that can change the ore diction thing for it but my knowledge is limited on this matter sorry
There is no Tech Reborn Iron Plate, only IC2 Iron Plates, you maybe confusing it with the Refined Iron Plate by Tech Reborn.
What is the tech reborn machine block needed for? If it's only a crafting component then have you tried using the IC2 version in place of it? The oredictionary values are matched so crafting recipes should accept it, don't think it will work for multiblock structures tho
No sorry that's not working, you have to specifically use the tech reborn machine block, I tried with the Ic2 machine casing and it didn't work. Gyazo - 700a6088d04b7d23b4a5c8c1aeef0955.png
welp it was worth a try weird that it has enough compatability to use IC2 matereals to make its components but doesnt accept IC2 versions of the same thing
I am going to go ahead and mark this as done due to inactivity. Just in case you were unaware, there was a recent pack update to Beyond, changelog can be found here.