Implemented Cannot destroy Autonomous Activator

Discussion in 'Agrarian Skies' started by DasHaus, Aug 2, 2014.

  1. DasHaus

    DasHaus New Member

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    8:08 AM
    Hi People of Agrarian Skies!
    I seem to have a problem with one of my Autonomous Activators
    It seems we cannot break one of the Autonmous Activators on the island, and it also crashes us when we open it.
    Pos 17225x 71y 9472z

    An open ticket runs on number 2049#
  2. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    8:08 AM
    you should be able to destroy it with a pickaxe, please try that and let us know if it worked.
  3. DasHaus

    DasHaus New Member

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    8:08 AM
    Thanks for thinking im stupid you are a great help.
    I never knew pickaxes existed in minecraft neither did i build an autonomous activator because i didn't knew how to destroy it.
    Here just so you can see it,
  4. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member Patron Tier 1

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    7:08 AM
    Okay, look dude, there's no reason to get sarcastic..

    You already posted in the other thread where another player was having an issue removing an autonomous activator, and the solution in that thread was to break it with a pickace, so slind told you to try the same thing and report back... If you had already read the previous thread and tried breaking it with a pickaxe already then you could have mentioned that when you posted this thread so we would have known that you had a different problen that would need a different solution.
  5. DasHaus

    DasHaus New Member

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    8:08 AM
    the problem was probably not solved by simply breaking it with an pickaxe, something must had changed the process it was also mentioned that the AA was in the hopper and after that they could break it with a pickaxe.
    its the same problem, if it was simply solved by breaking it, they would not have postet it

    also the sarasm has startet with the sentence try to break it with a pickaxe thats more than just common knowledge to do that
  6. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    8:08 AM
    Ich hab hier versucht dir schnell ne Lösung zu geben, denn um die Zeit hätte ich nicht online kommen können. Nachdem das Benutzen einer Pickaxt für andere funktioniert hat habe ich dir dies zum probieren geschrieben. Es hat auch einen Grund warum ich gesagt, habe bitte melde dich danach wieder und nicht gleich den Thread geschlossen habe. Alternativ hätte ich auch nichts schreiben können bis dann nen paar Stunden später ein anderen Supporter vorbeischaut oder ich am nächsten Tag nach der Serverwartung dafür einen Moment habe. Einen Block den man nicht zerstören kann ist im Verhältnis zu Servern die offline oder in einer Crashloop sind nicht wirklich auf der gleichen Priorität. Ich hoffe du kannst dies nachvollziehen.

    Des Weiteren gibt es so viele Tools und ich versuche immer mit dem DAU zu reden, denn sehr oft wenn nicht sogar in den meisten Fällen liegt es an Dingen an die man in dem Moment nicht denkt. Oder denkst du wir können Hellsehen und wissen genau, dass du dies bereits probiert hast? Es ist nicht selbstverständlich vor dem melden eines Problemes alles auszuprobieren und oft vergisst man eine Möglichkeit. Wir haben täglich reports von Dingen wo sich der User danach denkt, autsch wie konnte ich dies nur vergessen/übersehen, ist doch vollkommen klar und sicherlich kennst du diese Momente auch.

    Wenn du schnell eine Lösung möchtest, packe so viel relevanten Inhalt wie möglich in die Frage.

    Bedenke auch, dass wir weder einen bezahlten/professionellen Customer Service noch ausgebildete Leute haben. Wenn uns Spieler blöd kommen kann es gut sein, dass wir blöd antworten oder gar ignorieren (kam bis jetzt denke ich kaum vor, aber dennoch). Selbst in Callcentern mit bezahlten und ausgebildeten Arbeitern wird schnell aufgelegt wenn der Kunde blöd kommt. Dies soll nicht heißen, dass du "blöd" rüber gekommen bist, aber nur als Metapher dienen.

    Sorry to the non German Community for writing this in German, but translating it from German to English and back to German might change the meaning of some things.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2014
  7. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member Patron Tier 1

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    7:08 AM
    How do you know it's the exact same problem if you weren't there to see how @HHopstar sorted out the other one?
    If you read that again carefully you will see that HHopstar said he was able to break it with a pickaxe, and then he said that the activator was in the vacuum hopper.. meaning that after he broke it with a pickaxe, the activator likely got pulled into the vacuum hopper (because that's what vac hoppers do afterall) and he decided to leave it in there for the owner rather than store/place it somewhere else.

    Perhaps it only worked for HHopstar because he is a moderator, perhaps it worked for him because he used a different type of pickaxe, or who knows, perhaps it could have been soon after a server restart and the activator just stopped being bugged by pure coincidence and so that was why is was able to be broken, without speaking to HHopstar directly it is pure speculation from both of us.

    Actually, no it isn't, the common thing to do when removing most thermal expansion machine blocks is to shift+rightclick them with a TE compatible wrench of some kind, as that is always much quicker than mining the machine block, so if removing it with a wrench doesn't work then the next thing to try would be a pickaxe, making the suggestion to do so perfectly valid, even if in practice it didn't work.

    As for actually solving the problem at hand, I will come and deal with it personally in a few minutes (even though the laptop I'm using while I'm away from home can barely handle it), so wait patiently and i'll be with you as soon as I can.
  8. Zeltchoron

    Zeltchoron New Member

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    11:08 PM
    Fixed in game thanks to Slind
  9. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member Patron Tier 1

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    7:08 AM
    Pfft so i spent 5 minutes loading my client for nothing! oh well o_O
  10. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    8:08 AM
    sorry :(
  11. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member Patron Tier 1

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    7:08 AM
    I'll pass your apology on to my laptops cpu fan lol, but don't worry about it, at least the problem was solved :D

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