Since no bats spawn or squids. I think there should be a spawner in spawn. I have been looking for 3 days and cant find a bat
From minecraft.gamepedia: Bats can spawn in the Overworld at a light level of 3 or less on opaque blocks below layer 63. Between October 20 and November 3, they only require a light level of 6 or less to spawn. On Superflat worlds, bats spawn below the top non-air layer, ignoring the usual layer-63 limitation. Squids spawn in water between layers 46 and sea level, and can be found in any biome. Squid do not spawn anywhere if the worldtype is flat (due to the sea level for superflat worlds being at Y0). btw. which server we talking about?
Crafting recipes for squids and bats (spawn eggs) would probably be a more ideal approach rather than spawners in spawn. -V
that was a joke, because ghasts are also almost impossible to find. Well the Forestry Market sells Spawneggs for 3-12 Emeralds so i would say bone surrounded by emeralds would be fair for the bat. and bonemeal surrounded by emeralds for the squid
If this is spawning very low amounts, then spawners would be a bad idea in my opinion, cause it would add to the moblimit, if not cleared out a lot, making other mobs less likely to spawn. Agree with this, crafting recipes for spawn eggs would keep it from constantly raising adding mobs, so no lowered spawn rates for everything, and it wouldn't allow people who just joined the game, or don't have really anything, to just kill squids and bats to get a crap ton of their drops.