Done Zombies won't stop spawning in my base

Discussion in 'Infinity' started by Kalilak, Mar 26, 2017.

  1. Kalilak

    Kalilak Well-Known Member

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    9:08 AM
    They're occassionally on the roof, in the main rooms, below and they are starting to annoy me.
    I've tried to figure out how to prevent them from spawning, so I used magnum torches and an aversion obelisk (octadic capacitor, powered, containing a zombie soul vial, no redstone signal), which unfortunately don't show effect. The weird thing is, only zombies are regularly spawning in my claim (5x5 chunks), except for the mobs spawning from stabilized spawners, which are contained. The light levels in the rooms are currently very low, since I have constant night vision.

    This was a problem even before I upgraded my base when I had no spawners around, only zombies were spawning, even with magnum torches. It was ok before I started setting up my ME system though, I am not sure what I did or what has changed that would cause them to spawn.

    Is there anything I am missing out, that could exclusevly spawn zombies in my base?

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  2. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    4:08 AM
    do you have huge groups of villagers lying around?
  3. Kalilak

    Kalilak Well-Known Member

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    Nope, no villagers, but iron golems from stabilized spawners
  4. TomboyEnthusiast

    TomboyEnthusiast Well-Known Member

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    Is the torch chunk loaded?
  5. Kalilak

    Kalilak Well-Known Member

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    Yup, the entire base is chunk loaded by the iron block chunkloader
  6. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Do you have chunk loading tickets, silly question, but needs to be asked.
  7. Kalilak

    Kalilak Well-Known Member

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    I think I have around 500'000 tickets which the chunkloader is using while I'm online

    Edit: I just observed the behaviour of a zombie and they seem to notice me from over a distance of 80 blocks and start chasing me. When I walk/fly in certain directions away from them, the zombies seem to imitate the walking pattern rather than chasing me in a straight line.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2017
  8. Datsaltysnek

    Datsaltysnek lover of NCIS

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    sounds like what happened to my on direwolf20 node2 server but still odd if you ahve magnum torches around the zombies shoudent spawn at all still try turning off your spawn for a couple days (in game or irl your pick) then report back maybe enderio is derping up agains probs
  9. Pairak

    Pairak Well-Known Member

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    9:08 AM
    If you have a zombie pigman spawner then regular zombies will spawn in a fairly large area arround it, to my knowledge there is no way to stop that. And as far as I know all forms of zombie pigman spawning will cause this.
  10. Kalilak

    Kalilak Well-Known Member

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    Just when I logged in today, I disabled all stabilized spawners and it seems zombies are no longer spawning. This really seemed to solve the problem, so thanks for the tip!

    No zombie pigman spawner involved - not sure if I have neighbours that could have some though. Currently my spawners hold these mob souls: Enderman, Creeper, Spider, Blaze, Blizz, Blitz, Witch, Iron Golem, Zombie, Skeleton and Wither Skeleton. If the zombies come back, I should probably check out the surrounding a little bit, will definitely keep that in mind. I think I'm gonna move the spawners somewhere else like in a last millennium area.

    What I don't really understand is, why spawners seem to disable the anti-spawn effects of torches or obelisks and/or why spawners take effect in areas way over their radius and why the zombies spawned even before I had spawners.o_O

    For now I think this thread can be marked as done - I will report here if the problem is reoccuring. Thanks for the support!
  11. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    9:08 AM
    just put your spawners in the last millennium next time. Should prevent you from getting random zombie spawns in your base.

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