Easier Ticket Creation

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Elvorfiwien, Mar 27, 2017.

  1. Elvorfiwien

    Elvorfiwien Active Member

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    It would be nice to have a easy to find button for ticket creation on the forum.

    Example reasons for it:
    1 If the person cannot get onto a server to do /ticket create
    2 If a person is more comfortable on the forums than on the server

    Example reasons for leaving not adding it:
    1 easier on the devs, this would add one more thing for them to be working on and checking during maintenance.
    2 Someone might post the same thing twice in hopes of getting it read faster.

    Anyone have any reasons I didn't think of off the bat either for or against this?
  2. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    location is included in tickets aswell as server
  3. Elvorfiwien

    Elvorfiwien Active Member

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    you can always add that in, with the scroll down tabs and a box for coords if applicable
  4. LunaBlossoms

    LunaBlossoms Well-Known Member

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    Players can make tickets through the hub as well but would have to include information such as server/coords (if possible).
    If you're more comfortable with the forum, go ahead and just use the forum. If it is something sensitive/private, there's probably a sub-forum already for it or if must be, you can go ahead and use the private bug reports section. Even if not, staff monitors the forums and can change the location of a thread if they think it should not be viewable to the public.

    As for double-posting, this already happens. Some players will either make multiple tickets or both ticket/thread in hopes of it being seen "better" by us.

    There's honestly nothing hard about making a ticket. You need a forum account and one log-in before making a ticket. It's pretty simple and not much more really needs to be done to simplify this. There's also a "Ticket System" tab above that you can click on to have it take you to the ticket page if your in-game link does not take you there right away or some other issue occurs.

    In general, tickets are held as an in-game command mainly as it easily provides information for us, staff, so that we can eliminate a few steps and time that might go into an issue if it was created other wise. Along side it being a communication/support center that is strictly private between the user and staff.
    SanndyTheManndy likes this.
  5. Pairak

    Pairak Well-Known Member

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    Tada: [​IMG]
    LunaBlossoms likes this.
  6. Elvorfiwien

    Elvorfiwien Active Member

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    There is no button atm, which is the point of this thread. In the second image you can see a good potential location for it as well. Not that I am dissing the /ticket create, but I personally have had multiple times where I wished to make a ticket but could not log onto the servers, the most recent one being a mojang issue after my character had problems on a server. Also, it is not like you cant have the same system, the only technical difference is starting it ingame vs on a web browser, all of the information would still remain the same within the ticket (server, coords, the issue summary, etc). As Draven said, theres nothing hard about making a ticket, but its about convenience on both sides of the ticket. Honestly, the person this would impact is the devs who to maintenance and back-end developing as its just another way of doing the same thing so it shouldnt affect staff members any differently than a ticket made ingame and you (referring to all players) would not have to create a ticket on the website, you could still do it ingame, it just gives another option to those who want it.
    ticket system.PNG A good place for said button to go.PNG
  7. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    The ticket system is meant as a ingame support channel, therefor it can only be used in combination with being on a server. The forum on the other hand is intended for non game related issues or issues where a player is not able to join a specific server. This separation is intended by design.
    Both the ticket system and the forums are a highly supported support medium. What to use is fully up to the player.

    Does this clarify why this isn't there and why we don't intent to add it?
    LunaBlossoms likes this.
  8. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Elvorfiwien likes this.
  9. Generally I prefer the forums for any non dupe bugs, the support may be slightly erratic and even completely thread derailing at times, but it's faster than tickets and easir on the staff.
    -Peace out
  10. ProZed

    ProZed Active Member

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    Right now with my knawledge and testing. I found so many dupe bugs. But all staff want me to post on forum or go to a link. My browser is really bugged. So what do i do? To report it without going to a website
  11. Start yelling the dupes in the chat, chances are that someone else would report them for you or the staff themself will come to fix it. But it may earn you an unexpected vacation from the network!
  12. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    If you are able to post here, you should be able to here, too: https://mineyourmind.net/forum/forums/private-bug-reports.189/
  13. ProZed

    ProZed Active Member

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  14. Elvorfiwien

    Elvorfiwien Active Member

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    I think that would also work for the intended purpose XD

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