Removing of the Endgame Item list

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by SilentBane, Apr 1, 2017.


Should the Endgame trading rule be removed from the MyM network?

  1. Yes

    10 vote(s)
  2. No

    31 vote(s)
  1. SilentBane

    SilentBane Well-Known Member

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    5:08 PM
    Ok, so I am going to be that guy I suppose. I have sat on both sides of MyM both as staff and as a player and have always disagreed with the idea of an endgame item list.

    As a player I believe that it should be my decision whether or not I want to pollute my game by jumping ahead in a mod. Paying with mym's or trading in another sense. I don't understand the need to be policed on such frivolous nonsense such as the endgame list. It just adds another rule that everyone has to be cautios of.

    As a Director I hated seeing how many bans were spent on the endgame list. (Of course I don't know the ratio now) but back then it seemed like an in-proportionate amount of bans were related to the endgame list.
    Time that I believed staff could spend doing other things, answering forum posts, checking tickets, or better yet. Just playing the game and being active in the community.

    This isn't me trying to stir a pot but try to start a casual conversation about the endgame list and whether or not there is a real NEED for one.
  2. SilentBane

    SilentBane Well-Known Member

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    I forgot to mention that on every server there has to be a different list and every list has to be monitored independently.
  3. Datsaltysnek

    Datsaltysnek lover of NCIS

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    well heres the thing because (i ant giving out names) of certain people who lets face it dont like to follow the rules and out random stuff to people so that is just telling people "hey i need something" someone else "tp my friend" so the end game list perferts people from completing the pack day 1
  4. PhantomRTW

    PhantomRTW Retired Staff

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    Bans related to the end game list are very, very rare, so that isn't an issue, and never really was during my time as staff.

    I think of it this way; If we let people that were end game give stuff to new players willy-nilly, then we may as well be on a creative server.

    The point of playing on survival is to work up to what you need, not get end game items whenever you feel like it. That's what creative mode is for.

    It also helps with longevity of play. If you log into a server, get some end-game items, then get top tier in the mods, you are more likely to just move on to another pack, or get bored. (inb4 "nuh uh, I play for months after Im end game!!")
  5. Dart6672

    Dart6672 Well-Known Member

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    I can fully understand why this is up for discussion since on PO2 you can get end game stuff from lootbags yet by the understand of "do not trade end game or unobtainable" stuff, you can't trade it for something you can actually use.

    The core principle in this scenario would be between killing a community vibe or stopping cheaters in which case that would be impossible since, whether true or false, someone can get a "friend" to join the game and then give all their endgame stuff to them in which case you'd have to technically ban them in that scenario.
  6. MrsFaithfyre

    MrsFaithfyre Well-Known Member

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    Personally, as a player and not as staff, I vote to keep the end game item rules. I am a regrowth player, and doing away with end game item rules for Regrowth would kill the server's purpose. A lot of HQM packs would die due to how the games are designed to be played.

    idk I think there are far more important suggestions to make about the other issues than end game item lists.

    (All of this is from a NON staff perspective)
  7. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    I agree that we should keep the lists on a per server basis. If you dont like it, there is always single player or creative servers. Nobody forces you to play here. Although there should be more emphasis on the allowance of trading privately between players. Both players trading should be allowed to trade anything they are both able to produce. if you cant produce something yet, it should be off-limits for trade. Enforcing that will be difficult, but its better than outright saying you cant trade anything on the endgame items list.
    ElectricPoof likes this.
  8. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    That is already the case.
  9. Broklyn_Datroll

    Broklyn_Datroll Well-Known Member

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    I wonder how many people who are in favor of this have ever gone to the Forums, clicked the Endgame Items section of the Community Area and read the opening post of the 2nd Stickied Thread: Why list endgame items? <---- That is a Link by the way...
  10. SilentBane

    SilentBane Well-Known Member

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    I think this is valid however my argument is that if I am a player who enjoys the grind of getting through a server then I will always just grind through a server. But if I am someone who wants to cut a few corners to progress a mod and I don't care how I do it then I am going to find a way to do that through trading whether illegal or not.

    I agree that HQM packs should have a list. Infact at one time HQM packs had a strict NO TRADING rule period. As for "MORE IMPORTANT SUGGESTIONS" I would argue that if you have them why not bring them up, and if you don't have them then why belittle someone else's post because you don't like what they are suggesting?

    Of course I have read the post but preventing trading between old and new players creates a divide in the community. It doesn't answer the question of why not let players play the way that they want to play and focus on handling the "big things"
  11. CrimsonSZ

    CrimsonSZ Bored of being bored because being bored is boring

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    As someone who has never been part of a staff community or anything higher than "That guy who gives decent suggestions in the cess pool of 8 year olds", I agree that in order to, as people have mentioned already, not kill the sole purpose of HQM packs and to not make every modpack just a "He who first played shall give to the poor" kind of thing, the endgame list will stay.

    As mentioned by Booker Dewitt, if you really are in need of some form of endgame item (Perhaps you ran out of diamonds to make a quarry. Whoops), as long as you had it/can produce it, you can trade for it, thus there is no worry in modpacks getting too grindy.

    Let's think about this for a second here. Imagine if all it takes to get the latest high-end-pc or your dream house of choice is a request, what is there in life to srive for? Would you truly wish a world where you don't need to work for nothing? Would it not be a boring and pointless one?
  12. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Unfortunately I don't share this opinion. This is based on the assumption that the player is aware of the Gameplay he skips including being able to resist the temptation if he does want to get the most out of it.
  13. MrsFaithfyre

    MrsFaithfyre Well-Known Member

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    If this were more than an end game item suggestion I would. I think you are mistaken though Charles if you think I am belittling you as I actually thought a suggestion on this topic was kind of promising. We deal with this issue everyday if we're on a server. And at the end of the day if people want to shortcut and ruin their experience by getting things in private from another player, then that is their business.

    I have no feeling whatsoever either way on this issue as whatever the final outcome may be we will enforce it no matter what.
  14. PhantomRTW

    PhantomRTW Retired Staff

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    AFAIK Staff do not crack down on private trading, end game or not. You're making an issue out of something we do not really enforce.

    The only rules that are enforced (last I knew) Were broadcasting end-game trades in chat, or selling end game items on the market. Trading end game items Via PM or privately has never really been enforced.
    Broklyn_Datroll likes this.
  15. SilentBane

    SilentBane Well-Known Member

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    Thats true I guess I made the assumption on the way I have always played and not on the way that other players would handle the temptation.
  16. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Having an embargo of sorts also curtails the pigeon problem associated with harder packs. Feed a pigeon it keeps coming back demanding more. Secondarily to this in an HQM environment is the tide of frustration effect. Having spent some time now on our Galactic Science server, one known for being more challenging, you can see where trading even the simplest of items can have game breaking effects on a player. What's a few iron here or gold there.. the difference between hours of grinding to accomplish a goal and sitting back being bored when you're now hours ahead without the means to support it. You have that shiny automatic sieve, yet you don't have the way to power it and now spend hours grinding towards this end riding the tide of frustration. Had you followed along with you guide or quest book you would have seen the path that would avoid the endless jumping ahead then waiting to catch up.

    So the end game list is there to protect players actual enjoyment of a pack on an HQM style pack, sure it is nice to have all those shiny things, but if you can't use them you move on in frustration.

    Other packs experience the pigeon effect, but also offer game altering mechanics meant to be achieved by the player much later on such as creative flight. Handing someone an Angel ring at the start of a pack eliminates a plethora of threats to their early game play and might change the way a player learns and plays a pack all together. This is most apparent on a skyblock style pack where falling is a real danger, remove the threat of falling and suddenly the intensity of the challenge is diminished.

    Just my two cents as a player and staff member, as a player I'd just assume not reach for the easy route, as a staff member I'm more interested in player retention by ensuring that players do not rob themselves of a sense of accomplishment of reaching an end game item.
    Tuffnoodle and Broklyn_Datroll like this.

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