Pixelmon Gripes and Suggestions

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by DunkmasterSans, Apr 8, 2017.

  1. DunkmasterSans

    DunkmasterSans Well-Known Member

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    I know the Pixelmon server has less traffic than some of the other packs, but there are a few gripes I have that would be solved by adding just a few mods. These mods don't remove from the focus of Pixelmon as the core mod, but would be almost quality of life additions. There are a number of 1.10.2 mods that are finally updated (or are entirely new) that would allow for more aesthetic options or give us an easier time on the server without being broken or focus-breaking.

    The main ones I like the look of are Architecturecraft and Decocraft 2. Chisels and Bits is amazing and allows for flexibility in builds but is so tedious (at least for me) in it's use that I can't personally recommend it. The architecture mod is kind of like a more detailed and easier to use Carpenter's Blocks with more variety. I'm pretty sure Decocraft 2 needs no introduction since it's featured in a lot of known packs. My main reason for requesting this is that since it's modded I like having access to more building options, and this doesn't detract from the Pixelmon focus entirely. Another of the mods I want to suggest is one that other people on the server have liked the idea of, specifically Iron Chests. I would argue that Iron Chests is almost a must have quality of life addition because chests take up space fast and we can store more with less space without having to worry about progression or breaking the central focus of Pixelmon.

    The other thing is some kind of "Peaceful Plus" mod that allows for the crafting of easier to obtain mob and animal drops (wool and slime balls being the main ones) without having access to normal mob spawns. The one I was thinking of, "The Vegan Option" doesn't seem to be ported yet but it's something to think about. I'm sure there are other options some people can think of that would be a viable solution. As long as these kinds of things don't involve super cheap nether star crafting and the like I don't think it detracts from the Pixelmon giving you your items aspect of the mod. That said having a relatively easy to obtain alternative to things like wool would make the grind a lot less unfun and allow us to battle without having to worry about resource collection. I urge you to think about these ideas since I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only one that would want some kind of streamlined resource collection and improved aesthetic options.
  2. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    We don't change modpacks from their original design unless absolutely necessary. This makes it easier for all players to access a pack through the various launchers, if we added things to our server people using another launcher would need to manually tweak their packs as well. We also feel the creators are the ones who should decide the way they want their packs, and we'd rather not change their art.
  3. DunkmasterSans

    DunkmasterSans Well-Known Member

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    Fair enough. I was under the impression that this was a custom MyM made pack, though. Aside from that the logistics of changing mods around would be annoying to deal with for all parties involved. I figured it wouldn't hurt to suggest though, since the worst thing you can do is say no. I hope that it becomes viable in the future and thank you for your prompt response.
  4. ArkaneDragon

    ArkaneDragon Kappa Pride Forever

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    3:16 AM
    Mr. dunk i have repeadatly asked ysera the admin on pixelmon and i get the same answer as wyndman gave you. its sad i wish they could at least add chisel mod and stuff like that maybe even tinkerers
  5. Broklyn_Datroll

    Broklyn_Datroll Well-Known Member

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    The moment we add a mod to the pack, it required that any players not using the MYM Launcher take extra steps to join the server. In order to accommodate the widest spectrum of players, we do not do this. While to do so might be a convenience to some, it would hinder, hamper, or completely prevent some others from accessing our Pixelmon Servers.

    I myself do not play Pixelmon because I prefer more heavily Modded packs, and would personally agree that even a couple of cosmetic/building mods would be a good addition. However, this would turn it from a universally accessible pack into a MYM Specific pack and we do not like limiting access to our community. So until Pixelmon(the mod) finds itself part of a more popular, and more heavily modded, ModPack, we all have to be content to enjoy it, or not, the way it is.

    I hope this explains a little more why we don't add mods to the Server. Thank you though, for the time to post your thoughts and suggestions here, even when we can't act on them, we do value and respect your feedback and opinions.

    Good Gaming and Have a Great Day!
    DunkmasterSans likes this.
  6. DunkmasterSans

    DunkmasterSans Well-Known Member

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    These concerns are valid and somebody on the server mentioned them earlier. It didn't quite sink in when they mentioned it, and I feel kind of dumb for not comprehending when they mentioned it. That said there is a solution to a MyM launcher only pack. Have you tried getting your custom packs listed via Curse or asking FTB to help in developing your packs? As far as I know getting packs listed publicly via Curse is insanely easy, and FTB has helped people make packs before. Since Curse is almost ubiquitous for Minecraft now and FTB is basically THE organization for modded you would have no trouble with accessibility when you get your packs listed there.

    Edit: In regards to Pixelmon I am well aware that you need to download it from the devs and not anywhere else. That said it's a minor inconvenience that I don't think many people will have a problem with correcting on their own.
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2017
  7. ArkaneDragon

    ArkaneDragon Kappa Pride Forever

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    yea and i was wondering if mym could have the normal pixelmon and then have a heavy pixelmon with the basic mods in it to make heavy modded players like me want to play pixelmon without getting bored fast

    edit: or how hard is it to request to make a mym modpack to put on the mym launcher and get a server for it if its popular
  8. DunkmasterSans

    DunkmasterSans Well-Known Member

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    There are other packs that will pique your interest then if you prefer heavy-modded. I prefer heavy modloads too, but sometimes being able to sit back and go on an adventure with pixelated pocket pals while building an epic base without having to worry about super-streamlined tech or mystifying and muddling magic. The problem here is not so much adding more packs as it is editing existing ones. Pixelmon on it's own feels unbalanced and grindy (at least in my personal experience), so adding a Peaceful Plus type mod will allow for a bit of grind reduction. I can suggest a 1.7.10 pixelmon pack that packs quite a punch in regards to variety (it has loads of tech and adventure mods), but it lacks the modern might of the 1.10.2 Pixelmon. In regards to adding servers the amount of resources they would need to allocate is reasonably high, and the problems they mentioned in regards to editing packs are logical. If they can find a way to make their packs listed on a non-MyM launcher then it would make editing packs far easier than it would be to add a server. I sincerely hope they decide to try and use Curse because although Pixelmon on it's own isn't unbearable and Vanilla aesthetic options aren't bad per se, modded options are almost always better.

    If you want a SSP pack for Pixelmon + a load of other mods look up "Pixelmon Sandbox Edition" on the ATLauncher. It's 1.7.10 in an era when 1.10.2 Pixelmon is far more stable with more options, but if you want Pixelmon as an aside rather than the main focus this is worth a shot. The pack code is: "PSEModpack" if you want to install it. I can't speak for it's stability or balance, but it does give you what you want.
  9. recaltotal

    recaltotal Well-Known Member

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    i still use the offical pixelmon launcher for my pixelmon yet i dont come on myms pixelmon anymore due to its "condition" i nore do i keep up with its condition as i run 5.0.3 pixelmon and mym are still "behind" again. on 5.0.2(broken version) i gave my suggestions back in 5.0.0 yes some of them were done some was not
    since mym removed slack-pixelmon i dont even communicate with the server i would only log in if there was people i knew online and thus cannot check that anymore
    anyway getting off topic...
    if other mods like chisel was added i would need to find the exact version the mym are using for me to add it into my folder this however wouldnt be that much of a issue for me but i know some (mostly the younger) players who wouldnt even know how to access there mod folder let alone add extra mods in
  10. DunkmasterSans

    DunkmasterSans Well-Known Member

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    Yes that's the same issue that the admin posted above, but I'm telling you and them that there is a simple solution. Post your packs as public on Curse, or try and collaborate with Feed the Beast in making them. Thanks to the way Pixelmon has licensed their work you would need to download it anyway so the worry about having to install it manually is moot. You could use the Pixelmon launcher but that thing is awkward and annoying compared to Curse, FTB, and even ATLauncher. It's not as bad as the "Void's Wrath" launcher, which is actively broken and buggy, but it's setup is obtuse by the major three's standards. That's why if they want to make packs more accessible they should basically phase out the MyM launcher and make their custom packs available on Curse, or ask if FTB can help them develop their packs and get listed on the launcher.

    MyM has many things going for it. The community is good, they're relatively prompt when dealing with issues of player behavior (at least in my experience), and they are for the most part stable. That said if enough people in a pack want to add something the staff should, and ignoring what their clients/customers want is not a good way to retain players. There are a multitude of reasonable solutions to deal with the "not using the MyM launcher" problem that would allow global control over the pack, should MyM decide to make use of them. These solutions (as far as I know) would incur little in the way of monetary cost, and would allow MyM the chance to make custom packs that fit their specific desires. My apologies for my bluntness, MyM staff, but the unwillingness to branch out seems to stem less from the cost of it and more from laziness. This is an idea, and it's basically me flying by the seat of my pants, but if you want someone to put forth the effort in making those packs and putting them on Curse or in getting FTB to work with this community in making packs, I would be willing to help. I lack experience with server maintenance and whatnot, but I think the Pixelmon Server, and the community as a whole, would benefit from having more options to choose from, and the ability to publicize their own packs. If there is indeed some factor in preventing this community from reaching out to Curse or FTB (or both) that makes sense please tell me. It's quite possible I don't have all the information.
  11. recaltotal

    recaltotal Well-Known Member

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    I refuse to use curse and i know ftb does not have a pixelmon pack on there unless maybe a request would be put in for a custom pack to be added but then you have to go though all the stuff like asking every single mod auth for perms to there mod because a custom pack requires that its a lot of work.
    Plus you have to get the mym dev team to make sure all recipes dont clash n stuff you have mod imbalances when thrown together extra crashes reboots n stuff because of instability

    I totally understand where you are coming from even adding a few base mods like chisel would be fantastic because would change how things are within the game

    personally i have a pixelmon-tech server running but i refuse all mym players ip or info on it because of advertising
    i started it once i left myms pixelmon server i was impatient

    p.s my grammar may not be perfect nore my spelling but to me it makes sense xD[DOUBLEPOST=1491828213][/DOUBLEPOST]i still keep up to date on forums for one day hoping to see a changelog that makes pixelmon worth going on as i love mym i left being head-admin on a large servergroup for mym and i still dont regret that decision
  12. ArkaneDragon

    ArkaneDragon Kappa Pride Forever

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    3:16 AM
    Well thanks
    so i created a vanilla server after all the hassle of it only to realize i have to keep my PC running when i want to be on with my friends is there a way to create a modded server with free hosting or something like that i dont think its worth the payment for - sry for punctuation i dont like it
  13. DunkmasterSans

    DunkmasterSans Well-Known Member

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    Perhaps you don't use Curse, and I personally wish that there was an option that didn't require a bloated piece of garbage like the Curse program, but it's become almost universally accepted as the most reliable way to make and post packs. The fact that FTB has partnered with them made that an almost guarantee that it would happen. My point here is that just because you don't use Curse doesn't mean that others don't or can't. I can understand the awkwardness of having a community specific launcher, but when something is both efficient and easy to use, then there isn't any logical reason NOT to. In regards to the amount of time and effort required to make a pack, I'm well aware. I've tried making story/quest based packs before and couldn't finish because the sheer amount of effort required. That said, if there was a team of people with experience, and a desire to do this kind of thing then it would be far easier. Perhaps if they crowdsourced some of the grunt work, or had a group of dedicated volunteers it could work. Please keep in mind that it's possible nothing will come of it and that things will stay the same. I'm merely offering a potential solution, as well as offering to try and take steps to make that suggestion come to fruition. Whether or not anything comes of it will be up to both my ability to focus on something for longer than a few days (something that is admittedly a long running personal shortcoming) and whether the server staff would be open to me taking on this job.

    One last thing. Your grammar may not be ideal, nor your spelling, but you got your point across. I admit that I am something of grammar fiend who prefers that everybody have proper spelling and punctuation all the time. That said this is the internet. English might not be your first language or you might be young and have trouble with these kinds of things. There is no need to apologize as long as you don't get misunderstood, and in this case I'm confident I understood perfectly.[DOUBLEPOST=1491831970,1491830387][/DOUBLEPOST]
    There is, but it is subpar and has potential issues in regards to security and stability. Most "free" hosting is viable only for vanilla since the amount of resources needed to keep a server running smoothly all the time is expensive (to that end many servers that are "free" have time limits as well). For stability you often need 4GB of RAM if you want to run heavily modded. I would ask your parents to pay for some server space since although it isn't cheap (I can't afford it with my current super low income), it can be sustainable if you go for a low end package and have a certain level of financial security. If they don't there are options but they all require at least minor knowledge of computer use. I lack the knowledge, experience, and motivation to help you. That said there are any number of other sources online that can explain these kinds of things far better than I can. Running a server (even a personal private one) takes time, dedication, and above all money.

    In regards to your "I don't like grammar" statement that's fine. I will reiterate my statement above. Grammr and spelling are important because they aid in making oneself understood. As long as you can get your point across they are not entirely necessary. I will add to that statement and say that by ignoring grammar and spelling you come across as immature or uneducated. In the case of someone who is foreign then it is a bit different. When you spell like you or the above person do you come across as ignorant and infantile. A foreigner would still have a sense of spelling and grammar since every language no matter it's syntax has some form of full stop, partial stop, and systems with which to organize whole thoughts.

    In regards to last night I stand by what I said and will not apologize. Even if you weren't too "young" to be staff the way you act shows a severe immaturity and could potentially lead to an abuse of power as well as the improper enforcement of the rules. Being a staff member is a job (albeit one with no pay or benefits as far as I know). It is not something you can just do and you need certain qualities to be good at it. There's a reason why I said "no" to applying to be one. I lack the mindset to partake in something when I have trouble motivating myself to complete basic college workloads. You lack the experience and overall mindset to become one just by how you acted last night, regardless of age you are ill suited to a job that requires understanding people and enforcing a set of rules.
  14. ArkaneDragon

    ArkaneDragon Kappa Pride Forever

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    3:16 AM
    Yea i got a decent computer (8 gigs of ram) ill probably pay for some type of server or just crap this idea of a new server for pixelmon.

    Mr. Sands i understand where your coming from about this but your wrong you know nothing of my personality or my maturity level. and i understand the requirements of being a staff and its none of your business if you don't think i have the ability to become a staff member.
    I will not argue with you about this again.

    Excuse bad language please......
  15. recaltotal

    recaltotal Well-Known Member

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    7:16 AM
    i was jr.mod once upon a time reason i was demoted was due to activity as a jr.mod being British and working nightshifts ment i could not be online at the time most mods were. this was a issue for needing 2 people for tickets

    im running a 8core system with 16gb ram
    my serverpc is 2x8core 2.07hz 32gb ram i will and always refuse to pay pro-host for servers haha xD not when it is so easy to host your own

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