Misssss I need Help....

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Mr_Yobo, Apr 17, 2017.

  1. Mr_Yobo

    Mr_Yobo Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    12:17 PM
    So People.


    Alot of mods eh.

    What I would like is peoples to post all the information they know about a certain mod below. please include who what when why and how. So people dont have to go scrolling on any-other website eh ;)
  2. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    7:17 PM
    Wow that's a lot of info...
    you could make a whole subforum of this subject.
    Alright lets start with my favorite mod

    This mod is a remake of the old mod equivalent exchange 2 by x3n0ph0b3
    ProjectE is developed by sinkillerj
    It adds an EMC value (Energy Mass Currency) for most items in the game (they can also be manually added and modified) using ingame commands.
    Items with an emc value can be converted into emc using certain blocks and items from the mod and then converted back into any other item with an emc value with no loss provided you have one of said item already.
    Lets get into the important stuff. You start the mod by making a philosopher stone out of glowstone redstone and a diamond. This on its own has some cool uses but it's main use it to make the fuel of the mod. Combine it with coal to make alchemical coal -> Mobius fuel -> aternalisnalis fuel. These fuels are used to make other items in the mod.
    Inpirtant items

    Transmutation table:
    Can save items in its memory and store emc. It can store an unlimited amount of items in its memory and can make however many you need of any item saved in its memory provided you have enough emc in it. Also available in portable form.

    Energy condenser: set a target item, and any other items pumped into it will be converted to emc and made into the target item. Great for automating.

    Energy collector: generates emc from the sun!

    Energy relay: transfers emc from collectors into condensers.

    Klein star:
    Emc battery, 6 tiers;
    Eins, zwei, drei, vier, sphere, and Omega.

    Red matter furnace:
    Extremeyy fast and built in ore doubling. Can run off of Klein star emc or regular fuel.

    Armor and tools
    3 tiers

    1: dark matter, good armor, better then diamond, strong weapons and tools

    2: red matter, very strong very good weapons and tools

    3: gem amor, makes you nearly invulnerable (no mob other than chaos guardian can kill you) with creative flight and some other cool abilities

    Red Katar, endgame weapon has an area of effect attack that deals 200 damage per hit.

    Red Morningstar, endgame tool that can veinmine and ability clears a 16x16x16 area of all blocks

    There are also many useful tools and trinkets such as infinite water and lava buckets but they are not as important for this list.

    If I think of anything else I'll update this post.
  3. Pseudonycat

    Pseudonycat Well-Known Member

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    5:17 PM
    Okay.. I will start with my fave mod too

    This mod is a very cool and important one, did you know when you use a computer, you probably already have it installed?!
    It was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin.
    It adds a really cool search engine mechanic, That is kind of like NEI but way better, and for anything you want!
    So first, you start by opening a chrome tab, by clicking the chrome symbol, but if you don't have a chrome browser (unlikely) You can just Type in the search bar "Google.com" This will take you to the search engine, Now, see that little bar in the middle? Yeah you use that and type your question, because someone else probably had that question before you, and it will show you the most relevant results! You can see images, youtube videos and tutorials about your question! BAM! You just solved your problems by yourself.. Congratulations! You're not bugging everyone else on the server anymore! You are a functional member of society. *claps*

    Just Kidding... ( But this is the greatest mod of all )
  4. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    12:17 AM
    A google addon for applied energistics. That's what we need.
    TomboyEnthusiast likes this.
  5. hunterguy24

    hunterguy24 Well-Known Member

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    12:17 AM
    did someone really make this post?...
    Mouro likes this.
  6. Datsaltysnek

    Datsaltysnek lover of NCIS

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    6:17 PM
    why yes because people dont either have smart phones/youtube or they dont watch direwolf20 who knows alot of mods...
  7. hunterguy24

    hunterguy24 Well-Known Member

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    12:17 AM
    if people can visit this page then they can also visit the wiki...
    besides, i have never watched direwolf20 either and the only mod in any of the mym packs i dont know super well is thaumcraft...
  8. JessTheGreat

    JessTheGreat Well-Known Member

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    6:17 PM
    Um....check FTB wiki. It has all of this already.
  9. Mr_Yobo

    Mr_Yobo Well-Known Member

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    12:17 PM
    And maybe i want to get my voice out there....

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