Its simple, make a story. Once upon a time... I'm interested in what you guys will do, but I'm somewhat scared at the same time
Once upon a time there was a snake there was a skelitin and a bar the snake and skelly went into the bar bartender goes "you two a couple?" they both go maybe... bartender goes "i dont judge *points to sign* "all love thigns are allowed" then end
Once upon a time there was a unicorn, he was no normal unicorn though, as he had secrets. Though no one knew about his magical power, everyone seemed suspicious after a banana randomly fell out of the sky. One day the unicorn got very angry and used his magical powers to spawn bananas around his entire school and he built a wall of banana. Everyone was scared, but him. As the banana wall grew, it started raining explosive bananas, though no one got hurt, the structure was in ruins, but then mr unicorn felt guilty so he fixed the entire structure with bananas and gummy bears, and everyone was very happy in the end, but then a giant banana nuke fell out of the sky and exploded gum everywhere The end... or is it?
Nice story... So what? We're gonna do another one? Once upon a time in Minecraft server far, far away there was...
antartica birth place of the guardians and their minions. Meanwhile in hell... (the guardians are the mobs not the galaxy ones )
smelting cobalt and ardite mixed with his blood to make himself Demon Blood Manyullyn Armor set which grants...
... The comfort of a full body massage anywhere! He was so happy with his new armor that he forgot to close hell's backdoor...
...cross breed with Cerberus and thats how new WOW-Cerberus was born. Birth of this terrifying abomination cause...