Your tips and tricks and maybe a hint or two

Discussion in 'Tutorials, Tips and Tricks' started by MMichael1986, Apr 26, 2014.

  1. MMichael1986

    MMichael1986 New Member

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    So in this thread just as the title suggests is just for that, Tips, Tricks and a Hint or two.
    Post all your tips and more here! After there is sufficient enough information here i'll combine everything into 1 post or file (Depending on size) and share for everyone.

    Also note the pack is in beta so all help added to this thread is likely to change fast so be patient and bare with me and everyone else. Also note i'll be adding new tips and tricks to the first post as they are submitted. Enjoy.

    My two biggest tips for starting out are this.

    1: Make bottles the VERY moment you start. Break 3 of those clear glass blocks and bam you can get 3 bottles. No need to wait for the pesky RAIN to happen.

    2: WATERING CAN! I cannot stress this enough make one it helps sooooo much! As soon as you can!

    3: Kama! Its a wooden shear. You can use the leafs to make dirt (MrRoooo)

    4: Soy is your best friend. Get it fast. (MrRoooo)

    5: A barrel filled with water on top of cobblestone/Stone Brick creates mossy cobblestone! (MMichael1986) (Twilight_Dreamz)

    6: Hang Glider. For when you fall off your island you might be able to glide to another island for safety. Also having Angel blocks can help. (CAlonghair) (ALienBrain)
    Last edited: May 26, 2014
  2. MrRoooo

    MrRoooo Well-Known Member

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    3: Kama! Its a wooden shear. You can use the leafs to make dirt

    4: Soy is your best friend. Get it fast.
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2014
  3. MMichael1986

    MMichael1986 New Member

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    5: A barrel filled with water on top of cobblestone creates mossy cobblestone!
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 27, 2014
  4. MrRoooo

    MrRoooo Well-Known Member

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    how long do i have to wait from the mossy?
  5. MMichael1986

    MMichael1986 New Member

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    I dunno. Its like anything else I suppose. I laid out 16 cobblestones and 1 turned mossy in 2 mins the rest well im still waiting though the server did crash while I was doing this[DOUBLEPOST=1398861854,1398565771][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh as you create mossy cobble with the barrels it DOES use up the water in it.
  6. MrRoooo

    MrRoooo Well-Known Member

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    and the barrel has to be full when you start
  7. MMichael1986

    MMichael1986 New Member

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  8. Twilight_Dreamz

    Twilight_Dreamz New Member

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    you can do the same to get mossy bricks, also a hammer on stone brick gives cracked brick.
    to get some iron early, before you get the smeltery up do the first hell's kitchen quest, the 4 iron can make shears that you can use to get leaves and speed up dirt production
  9. CAlonghair

    CAlonghair Active Member

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    Make a hang glider! If you keep it in your hotbar, and you fall off, you can glide to saftey! (like into a waterstream)
  10. AlienBrain

    AlienBrain New Member

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    While using this trick you should have angel blocks in your hotbar (you can open your inventory while gliding), deploy them under you :3.
  11. MrRoooo

    MrRoooo Well-Known Member

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    good on. I just made a hang glider and it will stay on my hotbar.

    As soon as you can afford it, having two tree farms with MFR harvesters, one set to retain leaves, and one set to just harvest will give you all the resources you could ever need for dirt.
  12. washbair

    washbair New Member

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    1. Check the Block beneath your first dirt block! It contains additional Dirt.

    2. Away from your Tree Farm plant 2 additional trees and infect them with a silkworm. Once they´re done, farm of the one of the trees and plant a new one. The other tree will autoinfect the new one.

    3. Now that you dont need to infect more trees with silkworms u can cook n eat them. Good starters Nutrition.

    4. As soon as you have lava and a bucket, build a cobblestone farm.

    And the last and most important one:

    5. access ur island settings via /island and change ur Biome to Forest. I dont know if this really helps, but it seems to. My Trees grow way faster in this Biome!
    MrRoooo likes this.

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